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  1. Raised another issue today same reply what a great care service, these guys deserve an award i think for best care support.
  2. The issue is not regarding rakning but my all gigs are totally hide from search resultes after i came back from vacation.
  3. Is this common issue after setting Unavailability or is this only me who is facing this?
  4. My gigs are active and don’t have any TOS violation as well but still almost 0 impressions and pulse on that they are not in any search results which previously easily searchable with many keywords.
  5. This is how good fiverr care support is, Raised this issue 2 days ago and still not proper response and this is one of the best platform peopel says. I'm working from last two years here and lavle 2 saller with completed over 130+ orders and still not importent for them i think.
  6. It is alredy online my friend but thank you for your input.
  7. I was on leave and stopped the orders by unavailability but after returning my gigs not getting any impressions and also not found in search results as well. i have checked gig statics and all my gigs are active but getting 0 impressions. tried to contact care also twice but only auto generated replies and nothing helpful. One of my gigs was doing very well lately and making good money but from last 2 weeks getting 0 orders, very frustrated right now and don’t know what to do.
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