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About zaidurrahaman93

  • Birthday 11/10/1993


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  1. Thank you for your kind information.
  2. I mistakly to ask for the phone number & gmail while talking to Bayer to recover a hacked account . Will there be any problem with my account?
  3. Do you make an edit and republish?
  4. Is your gig on pause? That's why you need to re-edit the gig and publish it.
  5. Adakah anda seorang penjual baru? Jangan gunakan perkataan yang sama tiga atau empat kali semasa menulis penerangan gig . Semasa menulis penerangan, tulis mengikut jenis gig anda .
  6. You can change your image profile and description at any time without any problem.
  7. You can use one Fiverr account multiple devices no problem.
  8. How to change your location To move from one country to another, you must talk to Fiverr support. you must to submit some documents to them. Please read this article: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011329498-Account-and-profile-settings#h_01GHGW8FJR3FD05TEPE3Q087PH
  9. There is also no benefit from 24 hours online using auto- refresher, using auto- refresher if you fall a sleep at nnight and how you answer if buyer knocks.Moreover, if you use auto- refresher, now there is a possibility of account band.
  10. As a new seller, you must be aware, Fiverr rules are broken when working outside of the Fiverr platform to telegram. They are never buyer,they always try to hack your profile.
  11. We are newbies to Fiverr they must pass a skill test before publishing a gig.
  12. To change the phone number, you must know the security question or you contact Fiverr customer support and they will guide you.
  13. But my website is WordPress website. This is my portfolio website and no contact information has been added here.
  14. if the phone number is lost, there is no problem, it can be changed. But of course you need to know the security question and e-mail can also be changed. You don't need to delete your account for this. You must contact Fiverr Contact Support then they will guide you properly.
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