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Everything posted by palebluedot_

  1. It's not fair when You deliver your work way soon, and You wait days and days for the buyer to approve. then after that, he comes with a revision request that marks Your order as late. I've tried to deliver sooner, and I've tried to put sufficient number of days for both delivery and revisions. BUT EVEN WITH THAT the clients sometimes totally forget about the order, come late, and ask for revisions.... making You the late one. was wondering if there is any option that allows You to configure the revision system.. so that everytime a buyer requests one, the delivery time gets extended automatically? If Not, then WHAT TO DO?!!! Thanks
  2. A Client reached me to place an order.. we agreed on everything and said he will place the order... right after that, he cancelled the order and I can't chat to him, seems like he's blocked. will that affect me? how can I talk to him? I wonder what scenario did happen to him so he's blocked like that 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  3. hello everyone I wanted to know what to do in this situation: - I've delivered earlier, but the buyer didn't check the delivery untill it's the deadline. and he requested a revision without saying exactly what to fix or change!!. now It's marked "1 day late" in red. tried to reach the buyer... messaged him.. requested extending delivery.. did all but no response or feedback 😔. what if it took so long? will my rating get affected?
  4. I've received this: " We've launched a new Sub Category, that's just perfect for your Gig, so we've updated your Gig placement. What does this mean for you? Better visibility and the potential for more sales. But you need to update your metadata and pricing attributes in order to make it happen. Doing so now will ensure your Gig's performing at its best in its new home. Please update your metadata and pricing factors, ASAP! Thanks, The Fiverr Team" what to do and how to proceed? and what will happen? Thanks
  5. as I told You It's totally contradictory to the initial delivery: - I did a remix and he agreed that it's "perfect"... he said he's satisfied, but asked If I could change the timing and tune. - I've sent him what he wanted, but he claimed I didn't use the original sound, so I sweared I did and I'm 100%... I even checked it again. - so he went extremely angry at me, threatening me with refund request... so I've blocked him because I can't deal with him anymore not understanding the concept. - tried to be nice, but he went so rude calling me "unprofessional and waist of money and time" 😖
  6. it's not even a real revision... he just asked me on inbox 😔
  7. He confirmed the delivery, and sent me a tip and left a good review... but then after that he messaged me about some revisions that are totally contradictory to what he said on the review. so I did the revision, and he messaged me claiming that I didn't do it right. and he told me that I'm a total waist of money and time ........ SO I'VE BLOCKED HIM BEFORE HE CLAIMS A REFUND. am I safe?
  8. Is it fine that these days I'm blocking so many inboxes just because I feel like it's gonna be an order full of misunderstandings or pain? I sense that from the conversations, the way they answer my questions, the way they're looking for the price not the quality. Am I guilty? Is it risky to block so many people?
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