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  1. @Lena I just recieved an email in which fiverr said that they have removed this order from my gig metrics. but i just found out that before this cancellation my cancellation rate was 96%, You said that you have removed this order from my gig metrics. Then why it is still showing 94%?
  2. thank you @Lena for the reply. The issue is resolved.
  3. I opened a ticket 4 day ago. The order was cancelled unfairly. Because client placed a direct order and he do not wanted to increase the budget so i cancelled the order. I aksed fiverr to remove this order, so it should not effect my gig ranking. But its been 4 days since our last communication. So i opneded another ticket its been more than 24 hours, This has not happened before. Although i am a seller plus member. Is anyone facing the same issue? Any advice for me, this is really important to me because if this issue not solved i will loose my level 2 badge. Looking forward, Usama
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