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Posts posted by nadeera0v0

  1. Are you aspiring to become a successful seller on Fiverr? Well, I've been there and done that, but I made some crucial mistakes that made it incredibly challenging to regain my former glory. Here's my story and some invaluable advice for upcoming sellers.

    I ventured on my Fiverr journey while still a student. Initially, things were going great—I was inundated with daily orders. However, as my academic commitments grew, I found myself struggling to balance work and studies. Instead of focusing on one or two orders at a time, I started accepting multiple orders. I planned to outsource some of the work to my trusted designer friends. But This decision, unfortunately, backfired.

    Those friends didn't always deliver as promised, and the quality of their work was often subpar. I couldn't meet deadlines, and my reputation took a hit. Clients who once gave me repeat orders began leaving negative reviews, questioning my credibility as a seller.

    It didn't take me long to realize my mistake. Recognizing my inability to dedicate time to work, I decided to hit the pause button and temporarily stepped away from Fiverr.

    After a few years, I'm back with a valuable lesson to share. Here are some essential guidelines for aspiring Fiverr sellers:

    1. **Know Your Limits**: Only accept work you can handle comfortably. It's better to decline a project than to overcommit and fail to deliver.

    2. **Set Realistic Expectations**: Clearly communicate the time needed to complete a job. Don't promise the impossible; it's a recipe for disappointment.

    3. **Stay in Your Lane**: Accept jobs well within your skillset and expertise. Avoid venturing into uncharted territory.

    4. **Don't Rely on Third Parties**: Never accept jobs that rely on third-party collaborators. You can't control their quality or reliability.

    5. **Transparent Communication**: Clearly communicate the timeframe and budget with your clients from the outset. Transparency builds trust.

    6. **Avoid Multitasking Overload**: Be cautious when handling multiple orders simultaneously. Quality should always take precedence over quantity.

    7. **Honor Your Commitments**: Your word is your bond. Always deliver on your promises to clients, even if it means saying no to additional work.

    8. **Protect Your Reputation**: Your Fiverr account, name, and reputation are more valuable than any single order. Protect them at all costs.

    9. **Prevent Negative Reviews**: Avoiding even one negative review is worth more than securing ten orders. Prioritize client satisfaction and quality in everything you do.

    These guidelines are not just words; they are the keys to success on Fiverr. Learn from my mistakes, and you'll be better equipped to navigate the competitive world of freelancing. Good luck on your Fiverr journey!

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