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Posts posted by asad_seo_pro

  1. 6 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    It means that, if you get a lot of repeat buyers, you'll get a nice badge on your gig telling your clients that people love your services and keep coming back. If you don't get a lot of returning buyers, you won't get anything from this. 

    The trick is to keep your buyers happy so that they come back for more. You have 27 reviews and you're a level 1 seller. That means you're doing something right, but you're not in a place where you have built a large following of regular buyers, yet. That stuff takes time, effort and skills! 🙂

    Yes you are exactly right and i am working hard on my profile now I apply your method and get 1/2 recurring buyers and

    I have an other question in my mind. Is there any kind of profiles on fiverr for outsourcing like If i want to outsource work on fiverr for fiverr clients. Is it possible?


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