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Posts posted by creative_asfak

  1. 16 hours ago, kawsar_log said:

    Personally, I have had both good and bad results with Promoted Gigs!

    By default, fiver provides a $10 gift; why not test it and make your own decision?

    This, I believe, would be ideal!

    Thank you so much for your opinion.


    • Like 2
  2. I have recently received an offer to promote one of my gigs. I am a bit confused. Should I take the chance? The offer came to my best-performing gig. Should I take the risk? Will it be worth it?

    Looking forward to hearing from some experts or from those who have used this service or faced similar situations.
    Thanks in Advance.

    • Like 5
  3. 3 hours ago, minhajulabedin6 said:

    To effectively increase impressions and rank your gig, consider the following tips:

    Optimize your title and tags: Choose a title that accurately describes your gig and includes relevant keywords. Similarly, use appropriate tags that reflect the services you offer. This will help your gig appear in relevant searches.

    Write a compelling gig description: Clearly communicate what you offer, highlighting the benefits and unique aspects of your services. Use keywords naturally throughout the description to improve its visibility in search results.

    Utilize high-quality visuals: Include eye-catching images or videos that showcase your work or service. Ensure that they are clear, professional, and represent the essence of your gig.

    Offer a competitive price: Research the pricing of similar gigs to ensure that your rates are competitive within the market. Offering reasonable prices can attract more potential buyers.

    Provide exceptional customer service: Respond promptly to inquiries and provide excellent customer service throughout the order process. Positive reviews and repeat buyers can significantly boost your gig's visibility and credibility.

    Use social media promotion: Leverage social media platforms to promote your gig. Share links, images, or videos that direct potential buyers to your gig on freelancing platforms. Focus on platforms frequented by your target audience.

    You said exact to the point yet so much fruitful suggestions.

    • Like 2
  4. On 6/29/2023 at 5:42 AM, fastcopywriter said:

    Click Growth & Marketing and find promoted gigs. 

    Most of my gigs are on the program, except for one. 

    You can choose which gigs to promote, daily budget, CPC (cost per click), etc. 

    I chose $5, today is 6/28, my stats are as follows:

    SPEND $4.78
    SALES $70
    This is how I did it.

    1. Charge $10 per package 
    2. Get two orders in the queue
    3. Raise my package prices to $20, $30, and $50
    4. Get a $50 order  
     Good luck!


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    • Congrats! 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, solverwebtech said:

    None of my gigs is showing in the search results. Even though I used filters that are most relevant to my profile and gigs but still not showing. I am using the Chrome browser without login into Fiverr. I have also tried with incognito mode.


    Hello there, there are possible 2 situations regarding this problem.
    1. Fiverr uses Algorithm which decides which gigs will be shown and which will not. But they maintain consistency about showing gigs.
    2. Perhaps there is a bug. You can contact supports for this problem.

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