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Posts posted by danimarti

  1. Thanks to all for your comments.
    After a while and long consideration, I decided to cancel my promoted gig again. I know I won't get sales every day, but Fiverr states that Promoted Gigs provide 200% more exposure and double your sales. I'm spending $150/month on my ads and I didn't even see an improvement in my views, and no inquiries, to be honest I had the worst month so far with only 1 sale and was a repeating buyer, so for me, promoting gigs doesn't work.
    On the other hand, I can confirm my views per day now dropped to 1000 views/day. 
    So it looks like I can't rely on the platform to make a stable income and I will have to look for other sources.
    I agree with the comments that the increase in competition and probably the state of the current economy are not helping.
    I'll keep an eye on my stats and update the post if anything changes.

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  2. Hi everyone! 
    I'm very curious about other sellers' experience with this topic.

    When I became a Pro seller, my most popular gig was at 2500 views per day. 
    I have been very dedicated to it; I'm a Level 2 seller, my response time is 1 hour, I don't have cancellations, all my reviews are five stars, my repeat business rate is at 92%,  and I'm very close now to becoming a Top Rated Seller.

    Because of my investment in the platform, Fiverr was my only source of income and job, and it made sense to me to promote my gig to reach a bigger audience, paying the recommended $5/day. After several months, I saw no improvement in my exposure; the views and clicks per day remained the same. So I canceled my promoted gig as it didn't seem worth it, and to my surprise, my views went down to 1500 views/day. I contacted support, and the only answer I got was the typical standard about quality, response rate, etc., which I already do daily.

    That has been like this for six months, so I decided to try it again since my gigs never returned to the 2500 views/day, and my monthly income was now putting me in a difficult situation. I promoted my gig again at the recommended $5/day. Unfortunately, I see the pattern happening again, where my views per day don't improve, and I'm wondering if I cancel, they will drop my exposure again.

    Does anybody have a similar experience?

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