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Posts posted by robimaulana

  1. Greetings everyone!

    So, I've been noticing a bit of a slump in my gig impressions lately. It's like a rollercoaster—some months, I'm drowning in work, and the next, it's like crickets, even with the promoted gigs thing.

    This has been bugging me since 2021. Here's my wild guess: when it's not our "turn" on Fiverr, maybe they want us to be our own hype squad. You know, spread the word.


    I figure the algorithm might notice you if you're getting good ratings. But here's the twist—I think sharing your gig links on the internet and social media might also do the trick.


    So, here's my idea: What if I make a website to show off the awesome freelancers on Fiverr who are super talented but not getting enough orders lately?


    I'm willing to set up the website, handle the domain, hosting, SEO, the whole shebang. And here's where you come in—send me your best work, spill the beans on how you work your magic, share your social media, and your Fiverr gig link. I'll whip up an article and post it on the website. Oh, and I'll also share it on Facebook, X, and Pinterest with links straight to your Fiverr gigs.


    For now, I'm looking for gigs like designing, AI stuff, sound production—you know, the cool creative stuff.


    I can't promise a flood of new orders or a sudden boost in impressions. But hey, good reviews and links spreading the word about your work can't hurt, right?


    Has anyone done something like this before? If I go ahead with it, would you be down to send me your stuff for the site?


    Let me know what you think!




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