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Posts posted by ebturner

  1. Is anyone else experiencing issues with replying to customers messages on DESKTOP.   I type rather fast and the text does not show at first, and then takes a while to catch up.   Almost like something else is running in the background on the Fiverr website messaging system.    If I hold down any key for the auto repeat, it pretty much stalls out the message system for several seconds before it even shows the text.

    This only happens on the Fiverr inbox.  (Right now I can hold down a key and it will repeat smoothly with no issues and I can type in 'real-time'.)    It is very frustrating that I cannot see what I'm actually typing sometimes until seconds later when replying to a message.

    Windows 10, 64-bit with 64GB ram, i7 8-core at 3.40ghz, all M.2 SSD drives.   CPU Utilization is under 15% when this is happening and I have plenty of memory/resources so its not the system config being inadequate.   Chrome Browser (current), no viruses or malware (scanned daily).

    I've rebooted and also tried from a different computer and had the same experience.

    I suspect it might be the programming Fiverr is using to see if you type in the @ symbol or PayPal, etc so it can give you a warning.   But the drag is just terrible.

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  2. Did you have any orders canceled by Fiverr support over the past 2 years?

    I had about 9 orders come through in Sept 2023 which were all fraud/from a competitor who ordered and started the gigs without giving any actual details.   Fiverr support canceled them and it didn't hurt my account because they adjusted it THEN.   But now under the new system Fiverr support refuses to remove those orders that Fiverr support canceled from the calculations.   I filed with the BBB and the Attorney Generals office, but as you know that does very little unless a lot of people complain.

    For now, I only service my regular clients and anyone new I tell them I'm busy.   I'm not going to make much of an effort to put $$ into Fiverrs pockets when they certainly don't care about their sellers and the impact their changes make to someone's business.

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  3. If anyone had customer service involved to cancel an order due to reasons of not your fault, be advised that those cancellations are currently being held against you under this new rating system.    In the old system they did not.

    I had a bunch of fraudulent orders back in September which Fiverr support clearly saw and they assisted in cancelling all of them and fixed everything.  But now I'm being screwed under this new system because those manual adjustments didn't carry over!!

    I'm sure many of you are probably wondering about these magical numbers and ratings we are seeing without any backup evidence or being able to see reviews or anything.   This is one of many reasons why the new system is so flawed and is going to create unfair competition in the marketplace.

    So far, support has NOT resolved the problem.

    And under this new private/anonymous system there is nothing to stop a competitor from placing an order, giving you a nice 5-star rating with a smile and then slamming you with negative ratings on the hidden backend.   There is going to be so much abuse going on.   Easy way to knock down competitors with a simple $5.


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  4. I question the legality of Fiverr doing this.

    For example, any public rating through any other service does not have "anonymous" or private reviews that the retailer or individual is unable to view/react to.

    Look at your credit score.  Imagine if they said you have creditors that reported negative things, but they are not going to tell you who or what those things are.   That is basically what Fiverr is doing at this point.   It is impossible for a seller to improve on service if they don't know the details.   This drastically affects our employment/sales, just as a credit score would should you apply for a job and they check that.

    If its a public score, then the reviews should be public as well (or at least viewable by the seller).   Will see what happens when this rolls out on the 15th.  But I smell a class action lawsuit coming because you can't have a public rating without providing the full details of that rating to the individual.

    While Fiverr services worldwide, they would fall under specific laws for anyone in the USA using their service as a buyer, or seller.   The FTC would handle such a case I believe.


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  5. On 3/1/2024 at 3:13 PM, rapidtech1898v2 said:

    which internal metrics these are?

    It concerns the new "Seller Performance" and your store rating.


    They are getting rid of the 5-star and replacing it with a different system which includes private reviews that we have no idea how it factors in.    I have 1971 (5-star reviews) and 8 (4-star reviews) with nothing lower ever....for years and years on Fiverr.   Yet under this new rating system they have me at an "8" saying I need improvement.

    CS pretty much won't give me any real details on how its factored in or anything.  Quite unfair that they don't release the review details.   If they want to keep it anonymous that is fine, but there should still be some way to view the review and not who left it.   Considering my long history of repeat customers and excellent reviews, I find it very hard to believe there are negative reviews out there to the point to drop my rating like this.   


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  6. Did you know that Fiverr has anonymous reviews which we CANNOT view?
    We are being rated on something we cannot view or have any idea on how to improve if there is a problem.  Seems odd, but this is direct from CS when I inquired about the new rating system.   How do they expect sellers to improve or even know there was any issue if Fiverr does not let us see the full review they are rating us by?

    Does anyone know more about this?



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  7. Did you know that Fiverr has anonymous reviews which we CANNOT view?
    We are being rated on something we cannot view or have any idea on how to improve if there is a problem.

    I'm a level 2 seller for years, (1,971) 5-Star reviews and (8) 4-star reviews. NOTHING lower than that!  However they claim there are anonymous reviews which is keeping me at a lower level.   I find this very hard to believe.


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  8. "Starting next week, buyers will be able to leave reviews for canceled orders in which a delivery was received and/or orders that involve lateness or unresponsiveness." 
    Does this mean unresponsiveness on the part of the seller?

    I'm sure that I'm not the only person on Fiverr who has had people order the $5 gig and then don't provide the full needed details...and the buyer never replies back.   I currently have TWO right now.   One where the buyer never entered in the details (so its still not started/incomplete) after 3 days.   And the other the buyer has not replied back since they initially purchased the gig.

    After days of sending messages trying to communicate, I was forced to enter disputes/cancel them.   
    It sounds like under the new Fiverr policy that these people can now leave negative reviews because I canceled their orders? 
    (when it was the buyer who never replied back!!) 


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  9. Oh I see, you feel that everyone should charge the same price for their services no matter what and that Fiverr should control what people charge for their services.   Sorry, but if I want to charge $5 for my service....being Fiverr which is founded on $5 gigs, then I should be able to.    

    In the meantime I did finally hear back from Fiverr support and they fixed the issue.   (so there WAS a problem obviously).  lol 


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  10. I have notices on my seller dashboard that I have to update my gigs by May 17th or they will be deactivated.   When I go in to update the "meta data" it is also forcing me to change my prices from $5 to $25!    I thought this was "FIVERR" where gigs start at $5 and up.    While I can appreciate Fiverr wanting to make me more money, I don't understand why I'm being forced to sell my services for $25 when many of them are just quick little things that I charge $5 for.

    The editing/updating will not proceed unless I raise my prices!   Anyone else having this kind of issue?



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  11. Has anyone else noticed that Fiverr is connecting up with TikTok?   If you visit Fiverr.com (don't have to be signed in either) and right click the page, then "inspect" you will see two lines of code in the error console:

    events.js?sdkid=C6IPOEIO6DGUDE0A23MG&lib=ttq:3 Cannot assign to read only property 'call' of object '#<Object>'

    events.js?sdkid=C3VBNIPU9OSLU1GC4A70&lib=ttq:3 Cannot assign to read only property 'call' of object '#<Object>'

    which is calling tiktok..
    window[window["TiktokAnalyticsObject"]]._env = {"env":"external"};
    window[window["TiktokAnalyticsObject"]]._variation_id = 'control_2';.........

    Note the URL in the console window:  https://analytics.tiktok.com/i18n/pixel/events.js

    I've checked three systems so far, all using Chrome (latest version) and windows 10 with the same results.
    Is it just on my end, or is everyone else seeing this on their systems too? 

    With all the scrutiny with TikTok and the US government saying there are privacy issues, data collection issues, etc I'm a bit concerned to see this type of integration when nothing on Fiverr should really have anything to do with the TikTok app/service.  Why would Fiverr be sending any kind of data to TikTok for analysis?  

    I'd like to understand what is going on here.  If I have three systems with an issue, or if they really are sending data to tiktok?!?


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