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Everything posted by josh_oh

  1. Hello, recently I decided to expand my gigs to try out helping out job candidates with mock interviews or career counselling via video calls. The question is I was wondering what the best way to do this is because my main gig is on writing, so it was just asynchronously exchanging documents after the order comes, but for counselling/mock interviews, what's the best way to organize this or set up (does fiverr have dedicated webcam conferencing option or I need to send them Google Hangout link, meet up, I record the session for proof? Any help appreciated.
  2. Hello. I have a writing gig and decided to start a second gig focused on interview coaching and was wondering what general setup needs to be. Do I for example, once some places an order, I provide Google Hangouts link or something to chat there or is there some technology/setup that Fiverr internally has that I can leverage? basically trying to figure out how this video interview coaching gig workflow should be. For writing, it was just sharing word doc back and forth so it was straight forward, but wasnt sure about the interview gig. Any advice appreciated.
  3. Hello. I've been active as a seller but since few days ago I noticed that my gig orders in queue is shown as -1 where I'm confused. This resulted in my impressions being zero so I was wondering if anyone experienced something similar. I've also contacted fiverr support to see what's going on.
  4. Hello. Currently working on my 2nd gig for mock interviews/counselling and was wondering if there is a recommended web chat software that's recommended by fiverr community. I assume I need features such as recording (to ensure fraud from buyer scamming since I need to deliver something intangible compared to files) It's mostly just to conduct 30min-1hr mock interviews or career counselling, but I don't have business account (so I can't turn on video conference feature I assume). So it comes down to ones such as Microsoft Teams or Google Chat. I don't have school accounts or anything for zoom, etc. Basically just an individual. Any tips on this appreciated.
  5. Hello. a quick question. I might need to submit customer support ticket to take care of some ghosting buyer problem, and noticed that you have options to attach the file and the order number. I was wondering if i need to export entire chat or they already have access.
  6. Thank you for the detailed response, I appreciate it. I can always handle picky customers but customers with ill intent is something I hope not come across but like you said I should still execute systematically and build my case around it. I will wait a day or two more then resubmit the deliverables, which then we'll find out what the buyer's true intent is based on how he reacts. One question is when a buyer does time extension, does it work like a revision where the ball is in my court or the order is in delivered status but has a longer time to review instead of a typically 3 day auto-closure?
  7. I've helped this client for a month now and this has to be one of the longest orders (typically my orders last 1-2 weeks) sometimes with empty revisions to delay acceptance which I allowed initially as eventually I always closed the order 100% but now that we're reaching the end (I give three revisions and I actually did 2 extra for free out of courtesy), I have a feeling that the client is ghosting me. As I've been a freelancer for a year now, somehow when you feel something is off, it tends to be true I think because typical reply time was around 3 days but now it's been a week without replying me, passing the ball to my court with an empty revision saying he'll get back to me. I've already sent a friendly reminder to review and based on reading the fiverr forum, I'll wait a few more days and then send the latest file back to him, but I somehow have a feeling he will then unghost me and start doing this toxic revision request or cancellations. In the worst case scenario, how helpful is fiverr support when it comes to dispute?
  8. Hello, currently a resume reviewer, and looking to expand my gig to technical mock interviews as it seems that there is demand to it. I just wanted to check how the paying process works. Is it 1. a customer purchases my package and we decide on the time and mock interview structure 2. Conduct the mock interview as planned (use fiverr's own video chat option?) 3. Ask customer to approve afterwards so that I get paid. Typically for resume reviews/writing, I never had trouble getting paid as it takes some iterations which also is time to build trust and I never had trouble with any customers, but for this interview stuff, I was concerned if they cause troubles by saying 'it wasn't useful or not what I expected' and demand refunds which then become troublesome. I did see a lot of counselling/mock interviews though so I was wondering how it works typically. Appreciate any advice.
  9. so I got a popup asking to verify my identity, so I click on ‘verify ID’, link is sent to my cellphone, but when I tap on the link provided, I am shown ‘verify your identity’ page again, stuck in a loop. Any advice on this appreciated if any experience similar.
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