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Posts posted by sirajbugti1

  1. 16 hours ago, siphiwemtshali said:

    Hi, does anyone have a clue how the new rating system works or where all the buyers have gone? I noticed a massive decline in new inquires. I have some theories of my own.

    1. Fiverr has provided more people with access to the promotion feature. More people promoting their gigs may mean that all the work is going to the highest bidders.
    2. Fiverr is switching to paid promotion and is phasing out or limiting organic reach. This may be a plan to increase revenue by pushing more sellers to use the promotion feature
    3. There may be a disconnect on what your performance metrics are showing verses what is actually happening on your profile. In the old system I could see how the algorithm reacted to me completing an order. Regardless of the final outcome, whether it was good or bad you could see the impact your work had. Now nothing moves the needle. This may be a back end problem. I don't know its just a theory
    4. This is temporary and the algo is trying to collect more data before everything is back to normal. I hope it's this, I really do.
    5. There's a button that's not working so new buyers can't reach me. This one is a stretch but at this point I have no clue what's happening.😅

    These are just theories and I hope things improve over time. My niche doesn't get the most traffic (Music and Audio). Before the new system I managed to get a handful of jobs every week but In the past 30days I've completed 1 job. No new inquires? I know as freelancers we go though periods of ups and downs but this time I'm concerned because it feels like a button was turned of over night. I've never been a forum guy but recently I've been spending more time here everyday hoping I can find a reason to why things are going down hill. Anyway, enough from me I would love to hear your theories on where all the buyers have gone? Or perhaps you've seen an uptick in traffic let me know?

    I got some traction after this new Update has been implemented.

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