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Everything posted by efti_miraj

  1. I have contacted Fiverr support four times and explained everything to them and received the exact same automated response that I mentioned in my question above. This is the email address I contacted: support@ Fiverr.com. Is there another address I can talk to about this and help me resolve it?
  2. You should set realistic goals and timelines for orders, optimize your gig title and description to make them easier to find, and use relevant tags and keywords so your gig appears in searches.
  3. No, it will not have any impact as your device your laptop and your IP address remain the same. As a precaution, you can sign out of Chrome and clear all cookies and browsing history before signing into another browser.
  4. I hope you’re happy with the services I provided. Just a friendly reminder that Fiverr has a review system where you can share your experience. Your positive feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Debut: This theme is great for new businesses or those who want a clean and simple design. It's highly customizable and works well for various types of products. Supply: If you have a large inventory or plan to regularly add new products, Supply is a good choice. It offers a robust navigation system and a grid-style layout, making it easy for customers to browse through your offerings. Brooklyn: This theme is ideal for brands with visually appealing products. It features a slideshow header and a dynamic product grid, perfect for showcasing your merchandise in an engaging way. Boundless: Boundless is perfect for brands that rely heavily on imagery to sell their products. It offers full-width imagery and minimalistic design elements, putting your products front and center. District: If you have a brick-and-mortar store in addition to your online shop, District is a great option. It seamlessly integrates with Shopify's Point of Sale system and offers a clean and modern design.
  6. hi smashradio that could be uncomfortable. “Dear” is mostly used for my wife, not for a random person on the internet. It’s personal. Or, at best, it could be a formal way to start a letter to an older person. At best. thank your?
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