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Posts posted by mariam_15

  1. 6 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    On other platforms you apply for a job and rarely get one. Fiverr does the marketing for you and buyers come to you, way different.

    What about those that want to avoid a bad review? 

    Other platforms work both ways just like Fiverr has started buyer briefs and how clients reach out themselves. Only starting out is difficult, but once you land a few jobs and reviews, you get consistent high-quality work, same as Fiverr,

    Those who cancel to avoid bad reviews to so because of the same reasons as listed above.

    • Like 14
  2. I'm sorry but Fiverr is getting more and more difficult for the sellers by the day.
    There are already absolutely no benefits or facilities for the sellers. Their seller service fee is already higher than any other platform. They have extremely strict performance criteria and literally everything affects it which is the biggest headache and a constant source of pressure to any seller.
    Gig algorithms that keep on changing every fortnight. 
    What benefit do they want to get from learning about the canceled orders? no seller voluntarily likes to cancel an order. 90% of the time the orders are canceled because of fraudulent buyers who just take away free work and make excuses to cancel. The remaining 10% are canceled by the sellers as an utmost last resort when they're highly disturbed by the continued changing requirements from the buyer, free work demands, or from fear of their hostile behavior.

    ever since I joined Fiverr, not once have I seen a product or an update that benefits the seller. Gig marketing tool may be one good thing out of all this, but again, it doesn't work for everyone and they're making $ out of it too.

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  3. Thank you .

    In my opinion , fiver should protect the seller by removing the option to cancel the order after the delivery is been made.

    The buyer shall ask for revision if anything is missing , or needs more work . But buyer should not be able to get the delivery and take the money as well.

    they won’t ever remove the cancel option because of standard worldwide service procedures by which customers can cancel their order when they see it and don’t find it to their liking. Now a days every marketplace is giving this service to attract more customers.

    • Like 11
  4. Scammers are increasing day by day. The ability of customers to cancel order after delivering all source and work files is a gateway to scams.
    They get their money back and even the service they didn’t pay for.

    Fiverr should introduce on site non downloadable files viewing platform for seller service protection, which would allow the downloading and keeping of files only when the buyer has officially expressed their approval and satisfaction of the work they received. Other wise they go their separate ways, buyer with their money and seller with their service still in hand.

    What is you’ll opinion about this solution?
    Is there a way we can pitch this to fiverr?

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