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Posts posted by thefunkbaby

  1. Hey fellow Fiverr users,

    I hope you're all doing fantastic.

    After a year and a half break from the platform, I'm excited to be back and ready to dive into creating amazing music once again.

    During my previous stint on Fiverr, I had the privilege of connecting with several fantastic customers and building a steady stream of traction for my instrumentals. However, after my extended hiatus, I've noticed that things seem a bit slow to pick up. Despite updating my gig and showcasing my best work, I'm finding it challenging to regain the momentum I once had.

    As I return to this wonderful community, I'm seeking your valuable advice and insights. Have any of you experienced a similar situation after taking a significant break from Fiverr? I would be immensely grateful for any tips or strategies that have helped you rebuild traction and visibility.

    Thank you for your support and guidance!

    My fiverr gig:


    Warm regards,


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