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Posts posted by kingjan88

  1. Yes this is a grave concern with Fiverr (and probably most other places these days). Everyone goes on about not upsetting anyone whilst upsetting people - only those people are considered irrelevant. Yay Cancel Culture.

    What I can say is that your first mistake was not sending this piece of 💩 on their way the moment they started whining about a discount. Begging for sympathy based on some heath or family tragedy is a huge Red Flag. Scambot 101 stuff.


    Agree with you ,

    people asking about discount , whining about low on budget , are the ones we should avoid .

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  2. It’s unfortunate, But there is nothing you can do. The buyer will get away with the money and your files for free, plus if he left a bad rating, fiverr won’t remove it and also your cancellation rate will be down.

    How do you tackle this?

    Simple register on so many other freelancing site. They are lots of better freelancing site, you just need to search harder. Some site have arbitration and a buyer can’t reap you off like this.

    Another alternative is to, Open your own website and advertise you product while you still freelance on fiverr. At least when this happens, you will still have other sources of income.

    I wish you Success.

    Thank you .

    I am glad to read some useful insight and tips.

    I had something similar in mind.

    Cheers !

    And good Luck to you.

    • Like 10
  3. CS finally canceled my order and returned the money to the buyer .
    CS give this reason after few days of back and forth conversation .


    “The order was reviewed after the buyer submitted their complaint, besides concerns they had with your work not being original, it appears that the files you sent were infected with a virus. I suggest cleaning your PC to make sure that you don’t transmit the virus further to users.”


    To my knowledge all the files are scanned for virus when uploaded on fiver . The buyer had to make something up . The CS knew claim for files being infected was absurd. But i guess they can’t say no to buyer . There is no protection system for seller at all. At the end scam buyer managed to get away with a scam . He got the products and service worth 1400$ for free.

    This is my concern and it worries me , what if this kind of thing starts to happen to each seller , scammer orders valuable and expensive services . And right after delivery , scammer requests order cancelation . When seller refuses , the scammer goes to CS and makes something up , and CS happily returns him the payment.
    I think sellers are doomed form the start.

    Bravo Fiver CS.

    • Like 11
    • Sad 2
  4. @mariam_15 if you have a genuine case and can provide proof of everything CS does help you by canceling the order and giving you the full payment as well. I experienced something like this myself but was unaware of the options I had because I was new to fiverr!

    That’s a negative . CS did respond, but they were unable to help me in any way . According to CS i am own my own . Neither they can complete this order nor can accept it on behalf of the buyer.

    CS told me it is between me and the buyer.

    • Like 9
  5. they won’t ever remove the cancel option because of standard worldwide service procedures by which customers can cancel their order when they see it and don’t find it to their liking. Now a days every marketplace is giving this service to attract more customers.

    This is a loop hole , and scammers are aware of this blind spot, that’s why they keep hurting the sellers. Even CS says , we are unable to do anything in this regard. Is there any other platform which protects the sellers as well .

    But the cancelation option should be there in case seller failed to deliver , or buyer can cancel the order before the delivery .

    • Like 10
  6. Scammers are increasing day by day. The ability of customers to cancel order after delivering all source and work files is a gateway to scams.

    They get their money back and even the service they didn’t pay for.

    Fiverr should introduce on site non downloadable files viewing platform for seller service protection, which would allow the downloading and keeping of files only when the buyer has officially expressed their approval and satisfaction of the work they received. Other wise they go their separate ways, buyer with their money and seller with their service still in hand.

    What is you’ll opinion about this solution?

    Is there a way we can pitch this to fiverr?

    Thank you .

    In my opinion , fiver should protect the seller by removing the option to cancel the order after the delivery is been made.

    The buyer shall ask for revision if anything is missing , or needs more work . But buyer should not be able to get the delivery and take the money as well.

    • Like 13
  7. I don’t also understand! I have encountered the same issue not once but twice …One customer rates me and now after two weeks he is back canceling the order is that even possible (he took 2 days to check the work and rated it).guys? I used over 5 nights working on the codes ensuring it’s running as expected but now the buyer takes my work after a week he is back canceling the order which I had rated me and stated as satisfied…Do the work done by the seller on her matters even…!? The worst thing is the buyer is still using my work I just checked in on his website. What should I do!? Is this a game work worth My 5 days just gone and $453 credited on my account…Am not happy as a new seller with my experience.

    That is strange , even order was marked as completed and rated , how buyer was able to cancel it ?

    • Like 10
  8. Try to talk to CS.

    It sometimes happens in the past to me, and CS was able to help me block the buyer, canceling the order but giving me my payment.

    You have to explain to them in detail what happens and also showing proof of your work.

    Thank you ,

    I have sent screen shots of my work , and explained in detail .

    Still waiting from CS to respond .

    • Like 11
  9. Can’t agree more on this…

    So even I was asking back the CS to think in reverse if I become that buyer, I could become a vicious buyer by ordering something, take the service from the seller, and also later take the money back by cancelling the order. However, the CS didn’t answer my part on that section, but trying to avoid it by saying “I will direct your case to related department”, but nothing changed, they just explain the same thing over and over again…

    I am just curious why they cannot disclose or open the communication with buyer. It made me think simply Fiverr did it by themselves maybe(?), with anonymous account because they need money during the pandemic to stay in business…

    Is there any possibility to sue them legally?

    I don’t believe online market place can disclose their customer’s information . Fiver is within their rights . But they can put fail safe in place in order to prevent these kind of things from happening.

    Buyer should not been able to get money back after having the products delivered.

    It makes sense if the seller failed to deliver yes,

    But i does not make any sense , after delivery buyer can get their money back as well as the product.

    The order cancelation option should not be visible after the delivery.

    Because seller has fulfilled the order , he/she has a right to get paid for the time and effort. Not the other way around.

    • Like 9
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  10. @kingjan88 I have just experienced the same thing here… I have got 5 stars from the buyer after delivering his order, but ended up by him cancelling the order one week later, and now he is no longer contactable… I was curious if the buyer is a scam because he bought one type of item from me using different account all under “Japanese” flag… I asked many things to Fiverr CS, but they answer is so diplomatic. It is just a shame if Fiverr cannot prevent the buyers to do fraud and let the seller bear the lost. I have requested to open a communication between me, Fiverr, and also the buyer to settle this issue and find a win win solution. But Fiverr said they cannot disclose information about the buyer due to privacy matter and keep saying that my service goes against their Community Guidelines (and I am still wondering until now how can they say my service goes against their Community Guidelines)

    That’s what i thought ,

    Buyer can do what ever he wants ,

    Buyer can give bad rating , he/she can cancel the order after receiving the products .

    No help from CS in this regards.

    It seems sellers are doomed on fiver.

    • Like 12
  11. Ugh, things like this really get my back up. I’m sorry for you. I would absolutely refuse to cancel because it really sounds like he’s trying to rip you off. You can also contact CS and see what they suggest.

    There’s no problem with offering discounts that you’re comfortable with but “My dad died and I don’t have the money.” A classic sob story and one I never believe, maybe I’m harsh. Good luck!

    Thank you

    Already refused to cancel the order and contacted CS .

    I saw several examples in this forum , in all the scenarios buyer always manages to get away with this.

    Why there is no protection system for sellers ?

    I am unable to digest this !

    There should not have any cancelation option after the delivery of the order.

    • Like 14
  12. Buyer was taking to me for months and he was interested in one of my service , and finally placed an order , he begged me for discount price . He told me his father died and he did not have money , so i gave him discount for all the products.

    favicon-32x32.png.2ae71dbe732ca0782026a19657da6dce.png Fiverr.com

    Kingjan88: I will provide you my forex dashboard setup for $295 on fiverr.com

    For only $295, Kingjan88 will provide you my forex dashboard setup. | Welcome,I will provide you my own dashboard setup , combination of many dashboards . It will give you an edge over market analysis and sentiment | Fiverr

    This gig pro package 895$
    An expert advisor (Including source code )

    • account restriction modification (free)
      price was 365+50

    Altogether total products and services were 895+365+50
    But i gave total price for 650 for all products and services .

    The buyer starting asking for delivery right after our order started , i delivered within 2 days from order starting date . also included 2 bonus items as a gesture of good will.

    Now buyer is making different excuses , after receiving all products and service , for half the price
    ( which he begged for ) , Seems he wants to keep the products and get money back as well. This is pure example of a scammer .

    The products delivered are forex trading dashboard setup , and day trading system an auto trading robot for mt4 ( with source code).

    I spent years putting this trading strategy together , I worked day an night to finish this order . I also made completed video guides for this customer . But now he wants to get everting for free. I am having really bad day , because i realized my hard earned 650$ are about to vanish. Also the products and services are given to the buyer for free, not to mention the work hours i spent on this order !

    **My questions are **

    Why fiver is unable to protect sellers from this kind of scams ?
    Why buyer can cancel the order even after receiving the delivery ?
    What are my options here , how can i get paid , after delivering the products and service?

    If anyone can help me in this situation , i am open to suggestions. Thank you .

    Waiting for your reply

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