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Posts posted by paulwalker472

  1. impression depends on search result. like if your gig on number 5 page and anyone search your keyword or any other keyword and on that page have you gig you will get a impression. and when buyer or anyone click on your gig and open it that time you will get click.

    so you must create a attractive gig image. By this buyer can click on your image.

    [N:T: this is not official theory]

    Thank you.

    Thank you for your impressive answer @shubashis_pal32

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  2. Sharing your gig on social nedia won’t help get you clicks, if you want to get clicks. Create an attractive gig image, make your gig title explainable (That’s why Fiverr recommend using short gig titles that explain to buyers what your gig is about withiout even reading the description).

    For you to get more clicks, you also need to make sure your gigs are seen. Not just seen anywhere but seen by those who are actually looking for a service you offer. That’s where your gig tags come in.

    Let’s say you offer HTML website service and on your tags you have put the Website Design tag. The thing is, your gig will also appear under Graphic Design > Website Design. If buyers click on you gig on that category; they’ve seen it but will obviously not order from you since they don’t need what you are offering. They were simply looking for Website Design concept gig for Figma, XD etc.

    Thank you for this descriptive answer

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