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Everything posted by khurram_pugc

  1. Yeah, Because i didn’t face any issue so far. It is for the first time i think i have to be here.
  2. the fiverr, I contacted CS for apology and request them to not to send me violation. They replied and they said:- “Mistakes can be happen from anyone. Its against the TOS for contacting outside the buyer. However, since you apologized, so we’ll not send you any kind of warning! But make sure to not to repeat suck mistakes again” Means to say they are very cooperative and good people! WOW! It’s for first time with me that’s why brother.
  3. Yeah, I have a separate smartphone just for that purpose. I use fiverr’s app 24/7. Thank you for your help 🙂
  4. You mean buyer’s? Why do you want to contact buyers? NO NO!! I’m saying, if i contact “Custom Support Team”.
  5. I daily send maximum buyer requests. Those i’m sure i can do the work.
  6. How i can contact them bro?? Isn’t it risky? Risky means will it not be a threat to my account in any sense? Regarding violating TOS?
  7. I created 4 extra gigs from last 2 weeks and my clicks were between 110-120 and impressions between 12k-13k. From last 2 months, impressions are between 400-700 and clicks are less than 10. Sometimes 7, 8. 6 .
  8. I missed a single delivery almost 2-3 months ago and then the completion rate drops to 98% and that was missed due to “Gig Extra”. As, my buyer purchased gig extra almost at that time, when i was sleeping and i have to deliver that work the next day. And from then to now, i didn’t miss a single delivery. Then why the completion rate drops 1% every 10-15 days?
  9. BTW, fiverr’s seller community is not happy with this new technique whatever they name it.
  10. It is disappointing as i have been earning a handsome amount on regular basis and suddenly everything changes that’s why.
  11. Really, all of your mentioned things have been happened with my account. From where did you get this information?
  12. Yup bro !! I think missing deadline is the most important factor as i notice that it is going to decrease 1% after every 15 days. So disappointing !!
  13. Yeah, I’ll share on social accounts.
  14. Really, from last couple of months fiverr is removing sellers by permanently disabling their accounts due to a little mistake. I’ve seen many posts reagarding “Disabling Accounts” on Facebook. I think you’re right that, fiverr is decreasing the number of sellers on its platform. It is very very disappointing, why fiverr is doing such with level 2 sellers who have (5 stars rating tough). I wish our accounts will be on top again !!
  15. Yeah, really disappointing. It de-motivates you but we have to keep sharing our gigs on social media to get reach more customers and getting more clicks and impressions.
  16. Yup. Maybe in the next rotation of the algorithm, our gigs will be on top again.
  17. Asslmaolaikum/Hello to all! I know this is a very general and repetitive question, or i would say it is the most asking question. I wanna know how my impressions from thousands drop to hundreds within just 2-3 days without any mistake? How clicks can be down from hundreds to just tens?? Even sevens?? Please guide? I’m level 2 seller.
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