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Status Updates posted by being_ashik


    As technology changes, it becomes increasingly challenging for businesses of all types to keep their personal and customer’s information on the web secure. Web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information.  Without a proactive security strategy, businesses risk the spread and escalation of malware, attacks on other websites, networks, and other IT infrastructures. If a hacker is successful, attacks can spread from computer to computer, making it difficult to find the origin.


    How Do I Know if a Website Is Secure?

    There are many ways to know if a website is secure, including implementing HTTPS on your website. In addition to HTTPS, you can tell if a website is trustworthy by asking yourself:

    • Is the website an established authority institution?
    • Does the site provide expert value?
    • Does the website look spammy, broken?
    • When I hover over the links does the link look spammy?

    How Do I Make My Information on the Web More Secure?

    The best line of defense on the web starts with user awareness. Avoid the risk of web security attacks and implement these 5 security tips:

    1. Use Strong Passwords
    2. Two-Factor Authorization.
    3. Always Use Secure Networks.
    4. Use More Than One Email Address.
    5. Be Cautious About Posting Your Email Address Online.
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