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Posts posted by bobipineman

  1. I'm kinda conflicted on this case.
    after discussing the scope of the project I correct and reduce the price of my offer. She didn't accept the offer and rightly after, she ask me for update. Told her I won't start the project until the offer is accepted, the scope of the project is way too small to worth a ''sample''(it just a single sprite in iso perpective) and gently told her I won't do the job until I'm garanteed to be paid. Then she start to pester me.
    After telling her I won't work for free she tell me that 3 seller already did it wrong; first red flag

    3 day later she come back and ask if I can do it for 10$, if she continue to pester should I block her? Hence she doesn't seem to understand that I simply don't work for free and she show too many red flag 

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  2. 31 minutes ago, oskars25 said:

    Thank you for bringing this up!


    My question is, is there a chance for fiverr to lower that 20% off the fee for order, since we all pay taxes and in the end we end up in 50% giving away. So imagine, you worked all day for  100 usd, almost half away goes to you guys and half to our goverment. I think its not fair. 


    Also i have seen people using same gig videos in past with different profiles, i reported each of them gave CS alot of evidence, and you guys just ignored! 

    It would better if it was a variable fee: the  higher the pay is the smaller the fee will be like
    under 30$: keep the 20% fee
    30$-200$: 10% fee
    200$+: 5% fee

    • Like 18
  3. After cancelling a order recently just because I knew the client was one of those who a) can't be satisfied/ B)was very rude/c) it was a 5 buck gig so it wasn't worth it/ just to avoid 1 star review I got a bad taste in my mouth
    Next time I shall be more careful... because I will get 1 star anyway 
    This update may be nearly universally reviled(and for good reason why punish the seller more when they already have the short stick) but this always nice to analyze at what possibility this update could do
    -this will discourage cancelling a ''tricky'' buyer(they will be 1 star rated anyway) on the seller part. This will probably cause more angry buyer as they got a service they didn't like(unless they are the one to cancel) this will affect fiverr reputation
    -As some said smart seller will be more carefull and even paranoid when they deal with their client. Bad buyer may struggle more to find willing freelancer therefore they will go to other platform 
    ^And those are just theory and speculation like how this will increase buyer confidence. (it already exist ton of metric to identify potential scammer yet this doesn't stop them, and some buyer simply just don't read/pay attention to anything)

    TL:DR poor or inexistant protection for the seller may make them flee the platform when they have better condition. Which will will pluke fiverr of it main source of revenue

    • Like 19
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  4. 2 minutes ago, theratypist said:

    Sellers posting on the system does not make it invalid. Your suggestion on making a system just for sellers still doesn't solve the issue either.

    The issue is sellers who do not understand basic English and the system perhaps having a poor filter of identifying sellers who are using it to look for sales. That's what needs to be addressed.

    that the point the lack of automatic filtering system(is it a good idea?) and lack of obvious report button probably make the case worst

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  5. 7 minutes ago, theratypist said:

    Please give an idea as to how a matching system for "sellers" would work?

    "HELLO, I am looking for buyers for MY gig!!!!"

    We are already advertising our gigs I cannot see why there should be a matching system for sellers. It will not ease the issue.

    when half of the brief are used by seller you should ask question about the validity and quality of the system

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  6. 4 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    You can report them. When rejecting the brief (clicking on "not interested"), pick the option "suspicious spam/buyer not credible" (I'm not sure of the exact wording, it's something like that).

    Buyers post what they need done. Sellers create gigs that buyers who might be a good match for those sellers and their services see in search.

    ok great but how I can report now when I created a offert because the ''buyer'' description was so vague?
    And why hide the report in the not interested button? No interested just mean your not interested not because the brief have issue in itself

    Re: and again it just report spam in the option it so imprecise..  

    • Like 2
  7. Not fond of the entire removal of buyer request rather than modifie them so it can better filter out the spam. I got few order from it so it wasn't all that bad on the seller point of view

    last year the fiver forum was broken and unusable but at least they modified the code for new functional forum. So I hope they clean the brief AI system. Last month I got 2-3 a day but didn't react to them because I was super busy now I barely got anything

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