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  1. Great to meet you too. The only thing I’d say is that, should you ever wish to make a living out of Music, only then may you realise the fashion in which music has been devalued by those fulfilling the wishes of others by working flat out for a day or more for $5! But in the meantime, I wish you the very best with your composition practice 🙂 Be safe! Danny
  2. So, now that I’ve been on here as a pro seller for a few weeks, I’m really interested to hear from other pro sellers in the same field. I was accepted as a pro seller (without Fiverr reviews) on Fiverr based upon my ‘real’ work portfolio but I’ve not had a single enquiry, job or anything on this forum. Compared to other “competitive” platforms where I’m seeing a few genuine requests / enquiries on a daily basis, Fiverr seems completely dead when it comes to pro customers looking for pro sellers in Music…or may be it’s just me 🙂 I’d love to know how many enquiries other music pro sellers genuinely get on Fiverr at professional rates. I’ve noticed that most pro competitors don’t seem to be increasing in number of reviews, and one has had a job pending for three weeks - which looks to me like some pro sellers are playing the game to look busy. Or may be they genuinely are busy on here?! Of course if you transfer from non-pro to pro, you can take a number of your reviews with you - but that doesn’t necessarily transfer into fresh work on the platform. It all seems quite bizarre compared to the real world of music!
  3. Well here we are just over a week later - I’m still awaiting 2 gigs to be approved (very slow, Fiverr) and not a single enquiry from my other gigs - even those I dropped down to the lowest price possible as a pro seller. In the meantime, I’ve taken on 3 jobs outside of Fiverr and one (with one pending) on (dare I say it) a competitor’s website. Oh dear - not much more I can add 🙂
  4. Thanks so much for your message and honesty. It’s both reassuring and disappointing to hear at the same time, if you get my drift! I can’t afford to work for next to nothing and nor should anyone! Our studio is a financial drain and, like many, we have bills/wages to pay. We made a decision not to undersell ourselves on here or elsewhere. If that means we don’t get the new work in from these newer places (well, new for us) then I guess that is our hard cheese. I’m beginning to think that may well be the reality on Fiverr! Are you now receiving decent / fair payment for your gigs (if you don’t mind me asking)?
  5. Thanks Annie - reassuring to know!
  6. Well if I ever need an animator…I know who to ask and will expect to be charged accordingly 🙂
  7. Funnily enough, I was looking at UpWork too - and that seems even worse in terms of what people are asking for. Some guy asked for 10 composed tracks for $3.50…and had 10 proposals before I’d even read the pitch 🙂
  8. Thanks for your replies (wow - that was quick!) I completely agree with you both @cc_animation and @teachernita . The trouble is, are there people on Fiverr who do actually pay proper, sustainable prices? I guess may be time will tell (unless anyone on here can save me the time lol!)
  9. Hi, I’m new to Fiverr as a pro seller - our company has been working professionally in Music for 30 years and whilst we’re grateful not to be short of work, we thought we’d embrace the 21C and explore the wider network. However, I can’t get over the pricing situation on Fiverr - people offering to sell their mothers for the price of a coffee! I’m really interested to know what other professional composers and arrangers think about the pricing on here and whether there are any ‘real’ clients looking for proper professional services for a reasonable price…or whether it’s mostly people looking for you to compose a whole track, mix and master etc. for $7.39. I honestly can’t imagine what they are getting for their money - it takes us typically 2-3 days to write a piece to picture (and we’re very quick, often working 20hr days where needed!) May be this isn’t the right place for pros to pitch - and we’re certainly not prepared to lower our prices to the lowest common denominator - but maybe we’re out on a limb here. Any thoughts people???
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