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  1. Thank you so much!! I am frustrated about the issue. Hope I'll get back my account.
  2. Though I received a mail about "Please be aware that after the 60-day period, your account will be permanently suspended." Is there any chance to get back my account? And can you please tell me what you said to fiverr customer care?
  3. My account got hacked and Unusual activity occurred by using my account Today in midnight, someone logged into my account and sent spam links to others. For this, my fiverr account got temporary disabled. In today morning, I can identify unusual activity through my fiverr account and this hacker has also changed my fiverr password. However now I changed my password and successfully taken control of my account. I am aware of all types of fiverr terms and condition. I want help to restore my fiverr account which is under restriction. I am trying to reach support team but the matter of sorrow is they are not responding. Is there any way to get back my account?
  4. Today in midnight, someone logged into my account and sent spam links to others. For this, my fiverr account got temporary disabled.
    In today morning, I can identify unusual activity through my fiverr account and this hacker has also changed my fiverr password. However now I changed my password and successfully taken control of my account.
    I am aware of all types of fiverr terms and condition. I want help to restore my fiverr account which is under restriction. I am trying to reach support team but the matter of sorrow is they are not responding.  Is there any way to get back my account? 

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