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  1. Hey @aiartistry646, Unfortunately no. My post in this forum, my email to support@fiverr.com and my email to a Fiverr employee who had told me that everything would be fine and that I shouldn't worry like this remain without response. Let's hope this is because of the weekend and stay in touch. I can't believe a major platform like Fiverr would actually rob its sellers of their hard-earned money. In any case, I'll keep you updated!
  2. Hi @ana_tomy, Meanwhile, the 90-day period has passed and I indeed received an email to withdraw my money. However, once I opened this mail, I got the message that the link has expired. This seems impossible to me though since it should be valid 7 days after opening according to the mail I received from Fiverr. Moreover, the 90-day waiting period has only ended one day ago. So in short: I am experiencing exactly the same thing as all the others ( @karlosyoussef, @emil_smart, @michael_ric01, etc.) in this forum. Could you therefore kindly take a look at my account and try to resolve this? Thanks in advance! Nathan
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