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Posts posted by mrsazzad14

  1. On 5/20/2024 at 10:05 PM, akib0079 said:

    From your POV, when choosing a competitive keyword did the work or less competitive approch was the right thing to do?

    For me, it was different because I chose some keyword that was very competitive and over the time I work on description, price so that my gig stand out. Reviews helped a lot for me. 

    • Like 3
  2. Hello Everyone,

    Greetings. If you want to know how to make more money on Fiverr, read this article carefully. 

    For new freelancers:
    For those who are new, you need to improve your portfolio first and be active on social media especially Linked In. This way, you are standing out on social media and keep your marketing up so that you can stand out from everyone else on social media. If you do this right, surely there will be someone that will need your help. And he will be your first client on Fiverr. 

    It is really hard to get the first order in Fiverr so I figured this would be the best approach for the new freelancers. 

    After you are done with this, and you got your first order, please keep an eye in your impression and clicks. You can not let your impression go down at this point. 

    You will need to share your gig and you will need to change the price, description, image, title just need to do some research with your gig so that you know what works for you.

    in the meantime, you can continue social media marketing and gig promotion to improve the impression.

    Here is my gig link for an example: https://www.fiverr.com/mrsazzad14/design-develop-rebuild-wordpress-website-using-divi-theme-elementor-pro

    • Like 11
  3. On 9/22/2023 at 9:58 PM, dev_swapan said:

    I think you don't understand my thing. I Can find the first page without filtering. when I filter online I can't find


    On 9/22/2023 at 10:12 PM, dev_swapan said:

    All are checked Not showing Yet

    I have seen this issue before, where your gig is showing on the first page but inactive. I am not sure why this happens. But I think it is because of a poor wifi connection.
    If it is possible for you, try a different wifi for a few days and check if the problem still remains. It is best if you try with your mobile internet.

    Please let me know if it worked.

    Thank you 
    Sazzad Hossain

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  4. On 2/25/2021 at 1:32 AM, lisannevmusic said:

    For everybody a quick update!

    This is what I recieved back from support:
    Hi Lisanne,

    I hope you’re doing well and thanks for reaching out to me about this! My name is JJ and I’ll assist you the best that I can![:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:]

    Im very happy to confirm that the email you’ve received is correct and not a scam at all, congratulations!

    If you would like to receive more information regarding this, or set up a meeting to move forward, please reach out to FOR PRIVACY DELETED and a dedicated member of our team will surely guide you from there.

    I hope this information helps!

    Can you tell us about, what you think made you a fiverr pro seller? A little tips?
    Thank you

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  5. 34 minutes ago, karthigaravi718 said:

    I just joined fiverr and got to know about this platform through its free course. Just want to know who is the top seller in fiverr and what kind of product service he/she provide?

    The top seller basically means the top level. Top seller is the ultimate level you can go in Fiverr. Currently, if you earn 10,000 USD and sell 100 gigs, you will be able to apply for top seller. 

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  6. Hello There!
    I had to cancle some order for some ovious reasons. Now my gigs are down. I have tried to improve it but change some gig details. But it was a failure. Can some one tell me what can I do in these situations please?

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  7. Hello Everyone!
    I need help from experienced fiverr web designer and developer to improve my skills and salles. 
    You can tell me which part should I focus to improve my skills.
    What should I learn for frontend and backend, I have experience with PHP and JS. Can't say I am a pro in these two. But I had some knoledge about these.
    Thanks in Advance!
    Sazzad Hossain

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