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Posts posted by saddam95950

  1. I would not have known about this problem if the buyer had not informed me. So others should also check to see if anyone has this problem in their username. Because I have been searching on Google and many people have been posting about this problem in the fiverr forum before but no one has found a solution. I have also reported to the Fiverr Support team with a buyer but without problem-solving, they are suggesting visiting through a direct link. It is so disappointing that I did not find a solution.

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  2. Hello! @vickieito

    I really appreciate that you have given importance to my problem and are suggesting different ways. If the link is given in this way, the buyer will have to log in with his Fiverr ID and password from any browser to visit. The buyer is not willing to do that. She is telling me that he can find everyone through Fiverr apps So he asks me to tell him how to find it easily through apps. Clicking on the link does not open any Fiverr ID directly in the app. Today again I'm mailing to the Fiverr Support team, they say the problem is solved but they actually do not fix it.  So I am very worried and disappointed about this issue.


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  3.  Hi! vickieito,

    Thank you for your precious time. My name is common but my full username is just for me. I know new buyer  not people to search username, they search only for service categories. I am currently communicating with a buyer on Insta. I want to do his job through Fiverr but he can't find my full username with the Fiverr app. He also sent me a screenshot that he is not getting.  Before a buyer was facing the same problem but he visited my Fiverr link directly with his laptop and ordered me. Now not all buyers will try this way. Many buyers feel comfortable with apps. The Fiverr Support Team says it's all available. Now it is very disappointing that the deal with the buyer has been completed but I am not able to take the order.

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  4. The buyer can't reach out to me by searching my username. The Fiverr Support team says your account is everything available. But I also searched the username is not available. when someone visits the direct link reach out to my account but it is a hassle for the buyer to search through any browser without apps. Please let me know if anyone knows the solution.

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