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Posts posted by salehin7100

  1. Ultimately, the choice between offering WordPress development and custom web development depends on your skills, goals, and the clients you want to work with. Many web developers choose to offer both services, providing a well-rounded offering to cater to a broader range of clients. Additionally, you can transition from one to the other as your skills and business evolve. It's also worth considering the local and regional demand for each type of service, as this can vary significantly.

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  2. General Tips for Success:
    Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your work, whether it's CMS-based websites or custom-coded projects. A strong portfolio can attract clients or employers.

    Practice: Consistent practice is crucial in both approaches. Build personal projects to gain experience and confidence.

    Problem Solving: Be a problem solver. Approach each project with a problem-solving mindset, whether it's custom coding or CMS customization.

    Networking: Network with other web developers, attend meetups, and web development conferences, and participate in online forums to connect with like-minded individuals.

    Customer-Centric Approach: Understand your clients' or users' needs and provide solutions that align with their goals.

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