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Everything posted by bits168

  1. So that means we cannot add a stock media in the order once the offer was accepted? It doesn't make a lot of sense to still have the stock media browser in the order page for such orders then.
  2. Hello. I have started an order with a client. During the order, we realize we need music tracks too, which was not included in the custom offer. But I cannot find the option to offer the license. On the stock media section, it asks me to first offer the service as an extra. But in the 'Extras' section, I cannot find the stock media. Is it that the media cannot be offered without marking it in the original custom offer? Sorry if this was a basic question, but this is the first time I am using this feature. Thank you!
  3. I tried it but it didn’t work. Asked me to fill all details. For this time, it’s not that hard to rewrite all of that. But some day someone might get in trouble in some way because of this.
  4. Few hours ago, I typed a delivery message and uploaded the necessary files to the delivery box. But I decided to deliver it later so saved it as a draft. Now I can’t find the option to use any draft. I searched the forum but couldn’t find any help. Thank you.
  5. You are working in a very crowded category. If I search ‘wordpress’, there are over 90000 gigs. So it can be difficult to make sales in a category which has so much of competition. It can take a while to start constant sales, but in the meanwhile, you can learn any new skill and make gigs for it too. Thank you.
  6. You are right. As I have spent more and more time on fiverr, I have realized that most of the helps and tips I read as a newcomer were just same misconceptions repeated over and over. Not that I am an experienced seller yet, but in 2 months I have understood that staying online is only beneficial if you’re sending offers to buyer requests. I have received messages from around 8 different people till now. And none of them messaged me when I was online. If someone want quality work, they’ll look for good proof, and not who’s online. Same goes for sharing links on social media. If you are not sharing your link to your potential buyers or at least some relevant places, then your efforts will completely fail. Sharing links only work if it’s audience can be your buyer. If you are just sending them to your friends and family then, there will be no results. Thank you.
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