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Posts posted by erikawinter

  1. This happened to me not too long ago and I decided to finally check the forums.

    It was a new client to me, so no previous work relationship and it was a big project. I delivered it and he said nothing for the 3 regular days. Suddenly, I got a message saying the period had been extended and I was completely shocked. And what was worse, the client extended it once more. All this while I messaged the client to ask what was going on through several days and he kept saying that he hadn't had time to review 3k words in over a week and needed feedback from his team.

    When I was on the brink of thinking I was scammed for the first time on Fiverr, he actually came back to me with some notes and we settled it. Lucky me.

    All in all, completely disagree with this measure. Fiverr sellers already go through a lot of uncertainty and something that touches our earnings should be very carefully thought through. So far the best suggestion here, in my opinion, is making extensions to the review period an option for the client to pay for. If we know that the client wants more time, to begin with, I'm sure we'd be less edgy over the subject, knowing we'll get paid more after a long wait.

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  2. Remember to reply to them before you block them because apparently regardless of Fiverr putting them in the Spam folder sometimes, it still affects your response rate. It doesn't always send spam to the Spam folder but the worst part is when it does, your response timer of 24 hours starts counting and if you don't check it daily, it'll dock from your rate even when the system itself recognizes it as spam. 😒

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