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Everything posted by talhashaheen

  1. Hello! I need some suggestion. I'm dealing with a weird situation. I have a client, I made him some animated advertising banners. Before delivering, I sent him the demo design, He approved the design, I completed the work. Then he asked me to convert them to a different format (HTML5 to AMPHTML). I send him extra offer, but he said, he can not accept this, will add this in tip.....I did the extra work for free anyways.....But now he is not accepting the delivery, he keep asking for the revisions, saying "Design not professional". Also not replying to me at all. This is my gig premium pkg, I want that money for the work I did..... Should I contact Customer support? Will it will be any beneficial to me, as fiverr prefer buyer over seller.
  2. Not helpfull. I was completing orders, getting 5 star reviews and didnt had any order cancel. Even if my competitors are performing better still how can my gig de rank to last page. I was on first page on multiple keywords......Right now many sellers with zero reviews are ranking on first few pages as there is not much competition in this niche.
  3. Hello! Kindly have look on the screen shot. My gig was ranking on first few pages, was getting orders daily and completing them with 5 stars, no order cancelled. Then i changed the gig pricing two times(you can see two orange dots). After that my gig was removed from search and is now on last page, its been soo many days now. I have completed 6-7 orders from my regular clients in these past days, still gig is on last page.......Any hope or gig is actually dead?
  4. Hello Everyone. Im very frustrated. My gig was ranking on page 1. I was getting tons of orders. Then I changed My gig prices, After 2 days of my changing, the gig was deranked to last page.......Its been 15 days gig is still on last page, even tho I have a lot of reviews, Meanwhile sellers with zero review are ranking on first few pages.....I got 5 orders from my regular clients on these 15 days, but my gig is not going up. Seems like its stucked there. Any tips how can I get back up. Im not getting any clicks. So not getting orders.
  5. I am getting impressions, but zero clicks.......But the amount of impression is like 10-12 per day.
  6. Hello everyone! Im a new seller on fiverr. I have only one gig on fiverr, my gig was ranking on first page on multiple keywords, i was getting tons of orders ....10 days ago I changed pricing. Then my gig got disappear from search, to this day I can't find my gig in search.......Gigs with 0 reviews are ranking on first few pages while my gig is not even on 10th page.
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