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Posts posted by logocomposer

  1. Thank you for understanding me. 😁

    You can configure emailing settings, Then whenever new message comes, it emails to you. If you are active on the fiverr page, it won’t send any email.

    Also you can install fiverr app on your mobile device, it will also notify every events. 😆

    Good luck

    Thanks guys it was nice to spend here with you :smile especially thanks @kanggyong1 , @zreine. Lovely Forum 😍

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  2. I don’t know it doesn’t seem to be affecting my gig that much. My gig is fairly new, but my response time is 21 hours, because i check my messages and send update to my Buyers once or twice a day. The rest of the day I’m working on my orders. I’ve got good reviews and it doesn’t stop my ranking from going up, even if like I said it’s new so it’s not very high to start with. It didn’t stop me from getting orders too. Let’s be realistic here, it’s an international web site, people live in different time zones. I can’t stay up 24/7 in case I receive a message at 2 am. I need to sleep too, I’m not a robot.

    Maybe it’s affecting my gig more than I think, but I choose not to care. I offer a really great service, quality work and deliver it fast. I offer basic free revision and so far never had a client make me do one, because they say the work I send them is perfect and exactly what they wanted. Everybody is satisfied, so why should I worry about some obscure stat, that means nothing about the quality of my gig and the quality of my work? I’ve seen plenty of seller that always respond within one hour, but deliver subpar services. The response time means nothing.

    But it happen with me before when my response time in 1 hours my gig improvement i feel and see but recently one of my new buyer send me a request but that time i was out of network and after i replied him may be after 15 hours but i completed this tusks with good review and i see my response time red sine and than my gig improvement going down so, end of the day i fixed the issue i happened to me.

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