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Everything posted by shaminur2020

  1. Have a look on my gig and give your review of improvement !!! I will illustrate your drawing into digital 2d art https://www.fiverr.com/share/9jkYlA
  2. Hi thanks for last time help me... Within few hours I start getting buyer request. But today I have a favor to ask you all.. Can you all help me to rank my gig on Fiverr.. I want to do a experiment with Fiverr ranking system. I wanna know how Fiverr system works and people all of a sudden had and start getting orders too fast... Let me share what i done... Share some of my top competitors !!! (1) www.fiverr.com/share/WdlW7d (2) www.fiverr.com/share/5Ko2V6 (3) www.fiverr.com/share/xl43yq (4) www.fiverr.com/share/WdlWkl (5) www.fiverr.com/share/Z4lrNR I made changes according their inspiration but i am not expert So, can you guy's help me to show i mistake i made? Help me you all are my last hope 😳😟 @saysanji@danno1950@vickiespencer@nicol_makula @saysanji@shabanajabeen @balanche_11 @alphagev @starseorank @antonmarais1981@bethcleavy @frank_d@mahbubstudio @callyofficial@digitizedesign@digitizedteam@leannelrivers @gongor32@krheate @ligiacarvalho@ligiacarvalho@surajrenuka @miiila@krheate @theratypist @enunciator
  3. I am not getting a single buyer request from fiver last one month...

    Who should i do? www.fiverr.com/share/ggXedL



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