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About leonmladin

  • Birthday 02/21/1998


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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Could you please explain how a Stock Media License works?
  2. Hi, thank you for this wonderfully detailed response!
  3. Okay, thanks for the great information you provided! I now see what the problem was. The order was completed before he accepted the extended time, from what I remember. That could be the issue—the order was already due before he accepted. I didn’t notice because it was nighttime on my side. Also, do you know by any chance what the maximum time allowed is in order to avoid affecting the success score?
  4. leonmladin

    Succes score

    I was wondering if a lower success score has a bad impact on how many orders you get! Because someone asked for a big revision! The person was nice so I agreed to help him anyway, the only problem is that we needed to extend the order! We did, but I think the success score dropped to 7 because of that! What do you think?
  5. Hi, Guys what are some resolutions for you on Fiverr this week?

  6. I always get messages during the night! Does it affect my response rate? I mean I saw that it kind of does! Is there any option to set working hours? How do you as sellers manage this thing?
  7. But how does that works! What are they usually saying! Today I had a really rude client! Didn't placed an order though! Which was a good thing because that would have been a disaster!
  8. Haha, thanks for the tip! I already see the point of this!
  9. I like the fact that you win things on the forum! It makes it so gamifing! What do you think about this? Do you like it?

  10. I was wondering what is the main purpose off this forum and if it's helping us as sellers!
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