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Posts posted by mdkhaledamin

  1. 3 hours ago, designerfaisal3 said:

    Hey all,

    I am level one seller in fiverr.  recently buyer request section is updated. After buyer request update i dont get any notification from breif option? 
    I just want to know what is the actual problem in my gig/profile? What can i do now for get breif notification? 
    Give me your opinion or suggestion for help me.


    I'm also facing the same.

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  2. Thanks everyone for guiding.

    How can I work on “Get Briefs”? It's not working in my account. Will this feature be available to me later on? My “gigs page” link is [link] (and I always find “No Buyer Request”).

    Will Fiverr algorithm work for the new sellers to use the feature “Get Brief” (instead of discontinued buyer request)?

    [mod note: Link removed]

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