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Posts posted by omar_ads

  1. 27 minutes ago, melanielm said:

    If a buyer orders a subscription for three orders, for example, all of those will stay at the original price when they were ordered. If you change your gig pricing between their first and second order, their second and third orders will be at the old price still. 

    If they place a new subscription order, of course the prices will reflect your new prices from the start.

    Thank you so much for the explanation. This is the answer I was looking for. Thanks again for your time. Have a great day!


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  2. 54 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    You expect immediate answers? People have better things to do other than reply to randoms on a forum right away. Maybe some of us work for a living? :))

    You set a percentage for subscription discounts, that percentage remains. Of course if you change the price, subscription prices will be adjusted to the new price. 

    Offer those customers a custom offer with the older price if that's what you want. Or let them buy at the new price.  

    I was not expecting an immediate responses though. but thanks for your time to answer that question. As you know subscription order start automatically every month in a specific time period. after a subscription, buyer don't have to order everytime for next 3 or 6 months, the subscription order will be placed automatically. So, my concerns actually it. 

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  3. "I recently came across a seller's gig offering organic Facebook group marketing/promotion in usa service. However, the seller has since edited the gig to offer a new service, and as a result, the previous reviews for the old service are now visible on the new gig. Is this allowed on Fiverr, and how ethical is it for a seller to do this?"


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