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Posts posted by vektor3d

  1. Here are some lessons I've recently learned the hard way:

    1. First, acquaint yourself with Fiverr Seller Safety Best Practices
    2. Milestones are your best friend, so use them whenever possible(slice up the project into reasonable steps) to ensure that you receive some compensation for work you've already completed. If the buyer decides to terminate the order, you will at least be at ease knowing that most of your time wasn't wasted.
    3. No matter how technical a project is, keep everything inside Fiverr, don't ever communicate with the buyer outside the platform. I'll even go as far as stating that you should avoid sharing anything on sites like GitHub, or through any other collaborative tools, submit everything through Fiverr. Granted, all interactions were kept in Fiverr, document everything!
    4. Never let a buyer pressure you for quick turnarounds. Don't give yourself an unreasonable amount of time to deliver. If they aren't happy with your schedule, then don't commit to an order.
    5. If your buyer cannot communicate clearly in your language, then take additional measures to ensure that the requirements are properly understood and outlined.
    6. DON'T be generous with your revisions because if your buyer decides to abuse them, you WILL lose. Keep revisions at 1-3, if any.
    7. Be very clear on your gig page about the ownership rights of the work you produce, and the commercial use policy.
    8. Be extremely cautious about people who send in buyers requests — the majority of them are looking for cheap labour, and will spare no effort in trying to get it free through the resolution center.
    9. Always opt to contact customer support early or cancel the order if you suspect any unprofessional, sketchy or fishy behaviour from the buyer.
    10. Have a portfolio ready to showcase, and don't let anyone ask for a 'prototype' before ordering.
    11. Fiverr doesn't provide any seller protections against refund scams or buyers fraud because the buyers(customers) are highly favoured and always right, so be mindful about how much time and effort you're committing.
    12. DON'T ever let greed or desperation get the best of you. Be strong enough to say NO.
    13. Bad ratings might hurt more than a cancelled order.
    14. Develop your self-management skills (time, emotions, thoughts, etc.)

    Please share this around and edit if necessary, I can't allow what happened to me to occur to someone else. 

    All the best to you guys. 

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