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Posts posted by gregvkmusic

  1. This shows a clear disregard for the mental health of the freelancers Fiverr makes money off of. To suddenly change a rating system that has a massive impact on our financial wellbeing highlights the lack of control we have over our businesses.

    I understand that metrics need to be updated from time to time, but if the idea is clarity and transparency, Fiverr's doing the opposite...

    • Hiding Customer satisfaction metrics behind private reviews.*
    • Saying that gigs affect your success score differently based on number of orders (without clarification as to how this is calculated).
    • Using vague metrics to calculate Seller level, like "Success Score".
    • Allowing buyers to rate value for money after agreeing to prices laid out ahead of time.
    • Considering order extensions as conflicts, even if the buyer is the reason for the extension.

    None of this provides clarity.

    *A broader example is the Client Satisfaction Metric.

    I have 400 reviews on my main gig, 399 of which are 5 star. The vast majority of them are glowing reviews, with buyers raving about their experience with me and the quality of my work, and yet Client Satisfaction is having a negative impact on my Success Score for that gig.

    What exactly am I supposed to do with that information? 

    The description for the Client Satisfaction metric is: "Beyond ratings, this key area examines different data points from reviews you received, along with other stats that reflect how happy buyers are with the overall order experience."

    What other stats??? How are we supposed to improve if the criteria for the metrics are hidden?

    All this has done has shaken my confidence in Fiverr as a platform. How can you confidently build a solid freelance business when the platform you use shifts underneath you?

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  2. Hey everyone!


    I'd like to be able to search for specific buyer types via filters and sorting options.


    Let's say I want to send a special offer to a specific group of buyers.


    • Buyers who purchased my Lyrics and Melody gig in 2022.
    • Repeat buyers of my Vocal Recording gig, all time.
    • Buyer's who've purchased over $1000 in orders from me, within the last 2 years.
    • etc.

    To do this now, I'd have to keep a separate spreadsheet that I update with each message I receive and order I complete. Or I'd have to spend hours scanning my inbox, and building lists of buyers with various criteria.


    Currently we only have broad filters like Spam, All Messages, Unread, etc. And you can only use one filter at a time.

    We need more detailed search filters that can be used in different combinations.

    Think of Amazon's search functionality, where you can filter by price range, department and brand at the same time.

    Imagine how useful it would be to be able to search inbox messages in this way!


    Some filter examples:

    • Total Value Purchased (Range)
    • Date of purchase (Range)
    • Number of Orders purchased
    • Specific Gig Offer
    • Custom Orders Purchased
    • Purchased from Gig Page
    • Basic, Standard or Premium purchased.
    • Unaccepted Custom Offers
    • etc.


    It would also be really helpful to be able to sort your inbox messages the way you would in any file management system. (Sort by Buyer's number of purchases, sort by buyer name alphabetically, sort by gig, etc. 

    These would be indispensable tools in organizing client relations. 

    I'd love to hear about other Seller's ideas for Filter types and Sort options, as well as use cases for this functionality that I haven't thought of.


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  3. I figured it out!

    1.At the top menu, you need to select the “More” option.
    Then choose “Contacts”.
    2. You’ll see a list of people that have bought from you.
    Find they buyer you blocked and click on “History”
    3. Click on a message in the “In Conversations” tab.
    You’ll be taken to your messages with the buyer, where you’ll be notified that you need to unblock the buyer to contact them.
    4. Click on the word “Unblock”, it’s written in blue so it’s hard to miss.

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