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Posts posted by hisi91

  1. They’re hand-picked currently so that could be why (I’m not sure why they really need to be though). Out of level 2 sellers and TRS (though I assume it’s mostly TRS who have the feature currently).

    Also I don’t really understand why it says it’s only for gigs with at least 30 reviews. Surely gigs with less than 30 reviews would need promotion a lot more than those with more reviews?

    Maybe one day they might make it available to levels 1 and under too, as well as make it an automatic thing rather than a manual selection of sellers.

    Did they think about the new sellers who are just started, I m one of them, I already struggle to get my first order and now it s going to be more difficult because we are out of this features… I feel like we are in the situation of “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”.

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