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Posts posted by tinants

  1. I came looking whether I'm the only one, and it seems that I'm not.

    December and January were among the best months since I started freelancing here (nearly four years ago). It was a good ride so far, Fiverr became the main source of my income and I developed long-term clients. Of course, I had dry-spell periods, but it would never last more than one or two weeks.

    And now? It's been nearly two months that the number of new buyers reaching out has decreased alarmingly. Sometimes days pass without no one contacting me (except for annoying spammers). My long-term clients never again said anything after our last order completed (all early February), and they haven't been on Fiverr for weeks.

    Some sellers already mentioned it, and I must agree - I think this has something to do with Chat GPT4. I'm a content writer, putting me in "easily-replaceable" category. That is my only explanation and it doesn't leave me with too much hope. I guess I'll start looking for a regular job.

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