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Posts posted by arifursdev

  1. On 8/7/2023 at 9:46 PM, Shiran.M said:

    Orders may change, but hard work should still pay off. In case a project’s scope changes or you and your customer decide not to complete the whole project, now you can easily offer partial refunds through our Resolution Center—allowing you to make any needed payment adjustments, get paid for your work, and conclude with customers on good terms.

    this is somewhat okay, but this should have been a option only for the sellers. so buyer and seller can discuss in the chat and if both agrees seller will send the request to partial refunds. making it a option available in face for buyers is not good, for any buyers with the wrong mind will continuously ask and submit request for partial refund after the delivery.


    On 8/7/2023 at 9:46 PM, Shiran.M said:

    Gain flexibility with extended delivery time
    Your ability to deliver on time can be impacted by unexpected factors, such as changes to project scope, missing or unclear requirements, customer communication, and more. In order to extend your delivery time when needed and give you more flexibility and control with every order, we’ve shortened the customer response window from 4 days to 2 days, automatically extending your delivery date if they don't respond to your request in that time. 

    this is helpful, thanks! 
    what if the order time was 1 day, buyer was not responding, then do we send a 1 day extend and after 2 day, when it is 2 day late, the 1 day request gets auto accepted. will it show 1 day on the order time OR 2 day late - 1 day extend = 1 day late?


    On 8/7/2023 at 9:46 PM, Shiran.M said:

    we’ve updated our rating system with the option to leave a review for canceled orders under certain conditions.

    no, i though on previous discussion it was clear that this is a terrible idea of most sellers. I've read the Eligibility 

    • Order is late - this is considered when more than 24 hours have passed after the delivery due date.
    • Seller is unresponsive - the seller didn’t respond to the buyer’s inquiries or requests for more than 24 hours.
    • A delivery was provided to the buyer to complete the order.

      that's fine.

      1. Order late -> What if order is late because buyer was unresponsive after submitting order requirements? and requirements they submitted is a message "Hello, I want to discuss something with you"?

      2. seller unresponsive, that's fine. this should be increased to 48 hours i think OR only eligible if seller is unresponsive behavior is on most orders, not like on 1 order due to some issues (sickness or some other disaster) seller couldn't connect to the internet and this happened only once within 100/200 orders. right now, if someone almost never was unresponsive, completed 1000+ orders and was unresponsive due to internet connection issues, it doesn't make sense for them to have review for something they have no control.

      3. A delivery was provided to the buyer to complete the order.
      this is fine. but what if buyer changes his mind/requirements after the delivery was given?

      does these scenarios are excluded from leaving reviews for canceled orders too:
    • buyer is (first time/experienced) >  orders wrong gig > submitted requirements > requirements not related to gig package or requires extras offer > buyer doesn't want to pay extras > wants to cancel > buyer gets to leave review because seller didn't do the requested job in whatever amount buyer given?
    • buyer orders gig > submits requirements > wants to cancel because (he completed job himself, accident etc.)
      will this allow buyer to leave feedback because he "submitted requirements"?
    • Like 16
  2. Oh! that's horrific! again a Perfect "LOSE / LOSE / LOSE" situation for the sellers. they are treating sellers like absolute worthless rubbish and treating buyers like a god.

    I was reading the TOS, many questions coming to my mind, and thinking who wrote this one?! fiverr gone mad or let a narcissistic buyer to write it?! 

    I love working here, but to me and 99% seller will agree, that this is a wrong move from fiverr for absolutely no good reason.

    here's some scenario happened to me:
    1- (blind) Buyer ordering with submitting requirements that is not related to the gig package without reading what the gig is about
    now,  if i cancel the order because of this accidental order, buyer gets to leave a review anyway.

    2- (narcissistic dishonest godless) Buyers orders > after delivery without any feedback on what's wrong > ask to cancel order. go to support and 
    Fiverr : don't argue with them or you will get your account banned. 

    you cancel:  wasted days and hours of time working on the project for FREE, buyer gets to leave a bad review anyway. (LOSE , LOSE, LOSE)

    you don't cancel when buyers threatens to leave a bad feedback: buyer complete the order and leave a bad review for no good reason.

    go to support and see what they say: 
    "Buyers leaves feedback based on the experience they had within the order"

    I'm left speechless.

    another one i saw is that "you cannot disagree with working with anyone" that would mean you are being disrespectful, hateful towards someone that are belonging to a specific group, even if you weren't. absolute hostile!

    Fiverr, you just need to give a little bit push to just kill the sellers that are in comma right now:
    - Increase the fee rate from 20% to 50%
    - just as you're charging fee if the tip was a honest tip below $20 or just $5, increase the fee on the tip 20% to 50%
    _ every seller needs at least 10 buyers approval when they request for withdrawal

    - a button for the buyers on their screen to vote for banning the seller


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  3. oh! that's too bad! in the case, fiverr should have thought about it before, not like the 'website customization' bug fixes' theses are new things in the web. that's too slow.
    just because some people are selling websites for $5 they have made everyone change the gig price. they updated this in a way and it doesn't even cover everything (every category).

    bugs fixes and some customization could be $5/$10 sometimes and they have made it $15 and $30 <=.

    dear, why not just get rid of $5/$10 services from the whole site? if problem was with those who are selling the higher price packages at lower price, those should have been specified.

    their change was too little and affected almost everyone including me. 

    • Like 7
  4. @melissaharlowvo I appreciate your response. i do sometimes if i see any normal bug on the interface and if i have any suggestions on that option. but this one is a tricky situation and fault is from the buyer and careless 1/2 CS employees for not addressing it.

    I have completed over 1200+ orders similar to that, almost 98% of the job doesn't require any attachments. think about it, I have completed those without warning and i got warning for this job that doesn't require attachments? very fishy!

    this is 2nd time like this to meet a narcissistic type of buyer but for this one i got warning.

    i appreciate your suggestion, but if CS doesn't address this now, next time i/someone may not have the interface to click on those 'feedback' links to provide fiverr feedback because they will left account banned with no response and no help.

    if i did something wrong i would never raise such topic or waste yours time in reading and my time in writing this huge article thing with all the screenshot proof of timing, what type of work i do etc..

    I'm sure you understand, what happens when judge doesn't do his job.

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  5. @proadvert9 I appreciate your response. i have thoroughly verified every bit of information in our conversation with the buyer and found no fault of mine. I have completed 1200+ orders similar to this coding job and included attachments or pictures (for fiverr portfolio) when needed. and 98% of the jobs didn't need any attachments. 

    even the same job i got warning for. but sadly i got the warning anyway for no reason. 

    like the buyer didn't like my price for the new job , and reported that "they didn't get what they wanted" and fiver immediately without thinking twice, sent a warning. now i'm just worried that I might get my account suspension if i deliver any order after it is done from my end and the buyer falsely reports me!

    I was extra careful since my first warning 2/3 years ago, now i don't know what my fault is and what should be careful about that what i already am. I wonder if any officials/CEO ever takes few min to look at the forum or ever reads any customer feedback.

    i will think about your suggestion and try to reach the CEO as this is not just me but for thousands of sellers out there who not only got warnings but got suspended for absolute no reason. 

    Thank you!


    • Like 3
  6. Hello, 

    I have been working on fiverr for about 3+ years now and in this week has been the worst experience ever!

    a buyer i was working normally 2-3 orders, and my quotation prices was reasonable based on the requirements and orders are perfectly delivered. so after few small works, buyer requested a new requirements that is complex than the ones before. so the quote as usual was based on the requirements and as expected higher than the previous orders.


    but the buyer upon seeing the quote, started arguing and calling me and everyone on fiverr 'greedy', 'scammer' because he thinks after doing few orders with anyone they increase the price gradually. and silly things like,

    "he has friends that said it takes 10min to do and they could do it but they forgot now" 

    "he spends 2 hours to earn that money how can he spend that money on something that is a copy-paste work" 

    "he went to 10 more coders and they said we will do for $10" (but still continues to ask me to do it)


    i don't understand, if its copy-paste work why don't they do it themselves?! why don't they just find someone else if they don't like a lowest possible reasonable price from me?!



    not understanding the fact, price can depend on the project size and we don't charge for time but experience. its like one of those people, who always wants everything for cheap rate, no matter how small/big their request is.


    I work as web developer, and every client requirements are different and price depend on that. and this buyer literally saying that whatever i do is "copy-paste" from google!

    and buyer was discussing the new requirements while an order was in delivered status. so now that he didn't like the new job quote, he left a bad feedback on that order, not because it was a bad experience in the work or delivery but he didn't like the new reasonable quote for new job he asked. 😶

    I'm didn't bother asking CS help as it happened to me before with another client once and i know fiverr couldn't help me that time and can't now either.


    and after few hours, suddenly i got a warning from fiverr, that i have misused the delivery button! i got a big shock! How is misused when i delivered the previous works after confirming it with the client that its perfect?!! i didn't knew which order for i got the warning.

    guess what happened! that Buyer reported somehow that I have misused or delivered the order without completion or something  (confirmed on 5-6 message from CS), when the issue is he don't like my price for the new job that why falsely reported me!

    I reached out to fiverr support regarding this. i wasn't asking them to remove the warning, but was asking a simple question on how it is misused?!

    #1 first person came and gave me the full description of things i already know. and said delivery has no attachment that's why its misused. 

    But What should i include as attachment if my work is , working on client's website directly?

    #2 first message, I couldn't find my answer, so i asked again briefly based on my conversation with the buyer, where did i misused the delivery button?

    same person from CS came again and said to find it my self in the chat. i reviewed again and didn't found a single issue on how i misused it! years ago i received a violation for delivery misuse, that was  actually misused, when i was first starting, i mistakenly delivered the order while missed one of the requirement of the client.


    but this time i have completed the work > ask buyer if everything's good > client says its perfect > and then i delivered with a message.

    #3 after the 2nd request to CS, i went to them 3rd and 4th time with the screenshots of when i delivered the order, that i only delivered after i completed the work. check the screenshots below:

    When work is done and buyer confirmed that its 'perfect' on 5:56PM - 5:58PM


    and this is when i delivered after about 10min later  at 6:11PM as its perfect from client end. and regarding that there was no question or revision from client:


    and on above screenshots you can check , later he started to discuss new job (5:59PM). and after discussing and quotation, he got angry with my reasonable quotation > accepted the delivery of this job with a bad feedback..


    #4, and New CS came and with no answer on what i was asking (where did i misused) , and explained that they reviewed the every piece of information, and decision is made that i should get a warning and i violated the rule by misusing delivery button.

    I was so confused not receiving my answer , i thought new CS didn't get my question and i asked for the 5th time the question clearly. 

    #5 CS came back with the answer that  I didn't attach any attachments to the order that's why its misused! 🤯
    same thing as explained above.. If there is nothing to include what should i include?? my job is not about attachments!! omg!

    #6 I calmly reached out again for 6th time explaining this simply, that my job is about working directly to my customer's website, not providing them any kinds of files or attachments. 

    This is mistake and injustice to me, that fiverr gave me warning listening to buyer's report , not checking or verifying the actually fact and what happened.
    and last reply from CS is what I got made me just hopeless.


    in other words, they can do nothing. even if it is mistake, it was not a mistake. buyers are always right.
    keep quiet and do your job. next time you provide everything to a client and client falsely accuse you seller for not delivering the things they want, wait for a account suspension, because client was right, you didn't provide them their request (even if you actually did).. 


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  7. On 11/15/2022 at 6:27 PM, kevindwren said:

    If you read my post carefully, you would have understood that I was suggesting the "block" for rude buyers like the one in your post. I don't block buyers just because they are fellow seller on Fiverr and nowhere did I suggest you to do such thing 🙄 read the context

    Oh, sorry. I might have misread or misunderstood..

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    Your situation is not an abuse. Abuse is blackmailing someone to do more work otherwise they will leave a bad feedback, that’s an example of the abuse of feedback system. 

    clients are allowed to share their reviews on the pricing too. High pricing doesn’t mean that they will not buy but that IS something they can comment on especially if they feel that the output value  that you provided is lower than your price tag. (Which also doesn’t mean that you should lower your prices, it’s a subjective opinion if one person)

    I see! I understand and I agree. Thank you!

    I had a thought of that and had few of them actual similar to (blackmail) abuse before too.


    I guess this was childish, that buyer was not happy with what price we quoted for a different project, and he expressed his anger on a order that has nothing to do with that.

    this is such a awkward situation. I would never do something like that to any sellers , if I don't like their price. i would leave them and contact someone else.

    this is crazy!

    • Like 4
  9. 6 hours ago, kevindwren said:

    I just get a bad hunch whenever a fellow seller in the same field as I am wants to use my service, so most of the time I just choose not to take the work. The buyer seems rude to you and I won't think twice to utilize the block button in their profile, to prevent them from ordering again.

    I can related to that. but I don't block them or mark it spam but if i can do the job and available, i respond with something or tell them to look for someone else. but i don't agree with instantly blocking some seller if they contact you. 🙂

    everybody should understand what's the spam, report , block button is for.

    I worked with few or more sellers too, not all sellers are like that. but this was a unique experience!

    • Like 4
  10. 4 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

    I don't like this practice, but it seems to be acceptable here.

    His concern about your fees being "tenfold" a valid concern if you are doing that.

    Honestly, at first he came to me ordering gig at lower price gigs with small jobs. later on when he came up with something medium/big project, the quote obviously would be different than smaller jobs, you can understand that.

    But this buyer expects Every "small, medium or large" jobs price to be similar or how you wants it to be.

    you have already seen what was his feedback about the price saying "i have made my fees being "tenfold" without thinking about what he asked for. he doesn't understands its complexity and all that. its me thats doing the job not him!

    you have already visited my profile, over 1k reviews, but only two 2 star reviews. How odd is that I was asking "tenfold" price only to these 2 person and not the rest of the buyers that had a good experience?

    between 2, one of them was 2 years ago for some reason.

    This request was to know How fair it was that leaving feedback on a order based on some other project discussion which had nothing to do with this order. I was not even rude or anything, unless asking for what price you want is Illegal or Rude in fiverr.

    Surprising thing is he is seller himself. I had many bad experiences and completed jobs perfectly, but this is probably the worst one and on top of that fiverr support even couldn't help me. 

    I'm just going to wait and see the same result happened to many sellers i see in the forum and social media, buyer saying anything ,everything and support keeps on telling you to be polite.

    these are few screenshots 1) when he had "bad experience" he ordered again! can anyone explain that? Why would someone order again if they actually had a bad experience? 


    and 2)  when i disagreed to work with him further.



    What is this?

    • Like 9
  11. Hi! Hope you're doing well!

    Its been 2+ years I'm working in fiverr. in 2+ years i have never had such experience.

    I wanted to know what does fiverr do when buyer is out here to ruin your reputation?

    for example: buyer will order from you because you provide a good service (as buyer said), good behavior I'm boasting.

    But they will leave a bad feedback, just because your price seems high to them even when its a reasonable price to the seller depending on the project!

    you can't question or argue with them. they will just silently agree on the price and provide a negative feedback after a perfect delivery with no question. and you are unable to block them, because soon as the order finishes or before marking it complete buyer orders your gig again? because fiverr did a great job at removing block button from buyers that has order with you!

    ever had such nightmare? after a perfect delivery with no question, buyer left 2 star review after 2 years (2nd time i got such feedback). 

    first time i got when i was new to the platform, that was possibly my fault or some misunderstanding.


    I asked support. they said its part of the feedback system, part of the order process not understanding it is not!

    if this is not the abuse of feedback system, i don't know what is. also can we have some examples how can someone abuse the feedback system if this is not abuse?

    so again my question is fiverr. what do you do with such psychopathic buyers?


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