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Posts posted by aislingjane

  1. You have my sympathy. Based on what you’ve presented in the forum, your story makes me upset and annoyed on your behalf. Like you, I would be gutted to have had the order cancelled as it represents so much work - particularly as it was a creative and bespoke service.

    I’ve said this a few times in the forum, because of the liberal way in which orders appear to be cancelled (as reported by a number of sellers in the forum), I would never consider offering a service on Fiverr that would take me any longer than a couple of hours to complete. There was one chap three or so days ago saying how an order had been cancelled that represented a month’s worth of work.

    If Fiverr are to allow orders to span such a lengthy period of time, there really does need to be better policing of the dispute process. I’m sure there are many cases where buyers genuinely feel aggrieved, but there are also cases where buyers unjustly receive their money back. Disgusting.

    Thankyou for your sympathies.

    I’ve been shaking all day due to anger and hurt, I just don’t understand how this is legal, I was truly relying on this money to get by this month.

    Fiverr really needs to create a more caring environment for their creatives, that’s how you attract and keep decent hardworking people.

    • Like 8
  2. It sucks you’re going through this, especially after putting so much time in.

    I’d be interested to know what support says so please do share when you hear.

    It sounds like it was cancelled by CS given you didn’t agree to the cancellation, or perhaps triggered by the buying cancelling the payment.

    Someone here knows more than me, drum roll…

    Thankyou for your support, it looks as if Fiverr is of the stance I do not deserve to be paid for my time. Is creatives deserve better!

    • Like 7
  3. Hey there,

    This is a little bit of a rant, but I am also hoping to call attention to this issue as this is the second time this has happened to me.

    I am absolutely devastated, an order that was marked complete over 4 days ago has been cancelled by the buyer, despite me having completed the work to his full satisfaction.

    I spent almost 30 hours on this project with multiple revisions completed, and at NO point did the buyer ever communicate to me that the project was not completed to his satisfaction, in fact he was very pleased and encouraging throughout the whole process.

    Her are some screen shots as resolute proof of this.

    image3508×1683 170 KB
    image3508×1683 170 KB
    image1683×3508 151 KB

    I received a notification today that the order was cancelled by the buyer, even though it was delivered on time to his full satisfaction.

    I am outraged that I will not be getting paid for this for this job,I spent a full work week illustrating this image, I am a dedicated Fiverr seller and have recently been awarded the ‘Fiverrs choice’ award, the platform takes 20% of my earnings and yet completely screws me over.

    This order has been cancelled with absolutely no imput from me whatsoever, my opinion was never asked and no opportunity has been given to me to dispute this.

    Reading through the Fiverr terms and conditions it states:

    “Orders are not eligible to be cancelled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the Seller if the service was rendered as described in the Gig Page. Buyers may rate their experience with the Seller on the Order Page, including the overall level of service quality received.”

    I delivered this order was completed on time to a high standard, completing everything that was asked of me by the buyer, and he expressed multiple times he was satisfied with the order.

    I feel like he was able to cancel this as he never approved the order, but it was automatically marked as complete as he works long shifts.

    Due to loosing my job several months ago due to Coronavirus Fiverr is my only source of income, if I am not compensated for my time on this project my prospects of eating this month are slim.

    The fact that Fiverr has deemed I will not be paid for this is absolutely criminal.

    I am so confused and bewildered by this outcome, I’m devastated and have been in tears as I have no idea how I’m going to make it through the month without this money I was relying on.

    I have sent an email to Fiverr support, but have not recieved a response.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.



    This was my response from Fiverr support:

    image1303×816 175 KB

    What they are referring to is the fact that half way through, the client realised I was working in portrait, and he wanted it landscape.
    So I said ofcourse, no problem, my mistake, and offered to change it no extra charge, no problem.

    image3120×3547 561 KB

    The buyer stated it was fine and just to keep it the way it was, and then I continued to do many more hours of work on it from there. He could have easily stated he was unhappy then.

    image3120×3547 685 KB

    P.s Thankyou for all the support guys, it means a lot.

    • Like 11
  4. I’m afraid that simply isn’t true. Cancellations have an impact, whether you initiate them or the buyer initiates them.

    The only way they don’t have an impact, is if Customer Support cancel on your behalf, and even then it isn’t guaranteed.

    That’s why I’m saying that going customer ray can have a lot of bad aspects. If the seller sees any mistake, it can immediately suspend the profile because here the buyer is given more foothold.

    This is very true, and unfortunately I have experienced this a few times with Fiverr, once I was outright scammed and not only did I not get paid for around 16 hours of my time, but I also got a cancellation which stopped me from becoming a level one seller.

    It’s a shame that the Fiverr doesn’t cultivate a safer environment for sellers, no matter what the blame always seems to be on me, even with the most outrageous clients!

    I will just hope for the best.

    Thankyou for your time

    • Like 9
  5. However from the start the client requested many changes, so I edited the concept sketch to appease him, doing a total of 4 revisions on my 1 revision package, however he keeps demanding more and more changes, plucking them from thin air as I work which is leading me to run around in circles wasting hours of my time for no extra money.

    If you specifically offer only one revision, stick to that one revision, and decline any requests for additional free revisions. Instead, send him a purchase offer to allow him to purchase any additional revisions that he may want. You set the terms of your gig (which should be clearly noted and expressed), and you are allowed to enforce those terms. Buyers are not entitled to work that you do not provide in that order/offer, or that they chose not to purchase.

    I have really reached my limit with this client as they have started using extremely disrespectful language and have talked about getting about trying to get refund.

    If the buyer chooses to be rude and abusive, report him to Fiverr. You don’t have to engage with bad buyers who have already been provided with the services they chose to order. Buyers are not entitled to free services that you do not offer.

    I have contacted Fiverr support about this issue several times and have had no reply, any advice anyone could give me would be amazing!

    At this point, just ignor his demands. If you have already delivered what he has ordered, then there is nothing else you can give him, unless he chooses to pay you for your additional time and services. Be polite, be professional, but don’t engage with his demands. He is not entitled to anything more, unless he pays you for those additional services.

    This was so increadibly helpful and put my mind at ease, Thankyou so much.

    I guess I was mostly afraid of this impacting my stats negatively on Fiverr, as pong as there is no danger of that happening I will stand my ground.

    Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me!

    • Like 9
  6. Hey there Fiverr gang,

    I’ve had this problem a few times before, but this one client is being extremely difficult.

    The buyer requested that I do a botanical pattern, I quoted my lowest price of £40 including 1 revision in the package, he pleaded with me to go lower, so I went to £30 to accommodate his needs.

    However from the start the client requested many changes, so I edited the concept sketch to appease him, doing a total of 4 revisions on my 1 revision package, however he keeps demanding more and more changes, plucking them from thin air as I work which is leading me to run around in circles wasting hours of my time for no extra money.

    I finally reached my limit around the 6th revision telling him I could do no more unless he paid me for my time.
    He point blank refuses, and despite me explaining to him calmly in the most reasonable terms why he cannot request infinite revisions.

    But he keeps demanding more and more.

    I have really reached my limit with this client as they have started using extremely disrespectful language and have talked about getting about trying to get refund.

    I have spent far more hours on this project that is worth my time already at this point, and I am afraid of losing out on the money I’m owed as well as this difficult client damaging my scores.

    I have contacted Fiverr support about this issue several times and have had no reply, any advice anyone could give me would be amazing!

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