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Posts posted by luv_draft

  1. Hello there! 
    Couple of years ago I've decided to become an independent illustrator and choose the Fiverr platform to find clients; all was great and I've even started to believe that there might be a bright future, until someone (who cannot be named) decided to start a small ̶v̶i̶c̶t̶o̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ war. 
    Since that many organisations decided to cancel russians, who have nothing to do with the events in Ukraine (someone even decided to ban russian cats, lol, what a shame). PayPal and Payoneer don't work in my country anymore, so I can't continue to work as a freelancer here, I can't even withdraw my money...
    But there was a time when Fiverr accepted cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) as a payment method, so is there any chance to enable it again or make such an exception for russian sellers? I guess you shouldn't worry about our taxes, I think there are no russians who really want to pay for the war or even support it.
    Thank you for your attention!  

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