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Posts posted by industrydesigns

  1. Hey, the live portfolio (preview) has about the same dimensions as a gig image, however the actual preview which pops up in the lightbox, shows much more.

    Take this gig, for instance: https://www.fiverr.com/dynamic_website/design-wix-business-and-ecommerce-website?context_referrer=search_gigs_with_recommendations_row_3&source=top-bar&ref_ctx_id=fd30f5d44c39d6bda28dc55756b92da1&pckg_id=1&pos=2&context_type=auto&funnel=fd30f5d44c39d6bda28dc55756b92da1&seller_online=true&fiverr_choice=true&imp_id=22c04681-bc50-4e80-82d5-0e55b4cc3b2c

    If you look at their live portfolio, and flick through, you'll see a few things.
    1) The preview at the bottom is squashed
    2) The actual preview in the lightbox shows a long portrait shot of a website.

    A the moment, there's no way to see the lightbox preview, which means it's a little bit of guesswork / experience with getting it right!

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  2. Hey guys,

    I make websites, so I take a snapshot of the entire website to delivery to a client which they can use to share with their review if they wish.

    It took me some time to get the format right, and I ended up at the start having some not-so-high quality images on my live portfolio (particularly on the mobile).

    I've now gotten pretty spot on with this, but what would be awesome is if, when you're delivering your work, you can see a shot of what the image you choose to be shared on your live portfolio with your review would look like.


    Has anybody else struggled with this / worried about this? What's everyone's thoughts?

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