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Everything posted by saadqu

  1. thanks for your reply @rasel3465, I have read through the given article and understood most of the things, the article is very insightful. Still, I am very confused on how to get my level/gig back on track. If I don't get any messages from buyers how will I get my responding rating positive, also the article mentioned sharing on social media does not help, My guess is to wait for more time. Thanks for the article.
  2. Hi, I've been inactive for 3 years, but now as i have returned back my level dropped to level 0 and cant get any buyer requests, can anyone guide me on this? I see my response time has dropped to 0 as well. Sharing my gig link https://www.fiverr.com/s/W9XryB Thanks in advance
  3. This makes me laugh, I mean if we are to give revisions after the order is completed then why revisions button only works before the completion. I think they are just fooling around. Even if the order is marked as completed, if there’s more to be done, you should address the buyer’s concerns as you offer unlimited revisions. These words totally denying there business model at first place and you can ask them to show these lines on terms and condition where it is written that we are bound to give revisions after the order completion as well. I am pretty sure they will deny it. What I believe is fiverr moto is customer is always right. Either they have to deny there own terms and condition or not. If they think that unlimited revisions means the seller can ask for improvement for the rest of their lives. Then I believe they are just promoting slavery on new level and we should stand against it.
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