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Posts posted by aarontgladiator

  1. Well, sometimes, if you're TOO active on the forum or even the main website, I guess Fiverr just takes your IP as a VPN/spam and blocks it from doing anything for a while. Happened to me recently (which shows I shouldn't be as active as I am right now), but it got fixed in an hour or so. While this is going on, you can't react or reply to posts or heck, even open them.

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  2. 2 hours ago, teckuillaxxx said:

    Mike sucks, and I’m completely against taking 20% off tips it’s honestly disgusting behaviour. Seems these old “buisness owners” can’t comprehend that fiverr doesn’t do shit for us. It’s already hard enough with the 20% cut off the actual commission. It’s not like fiverr is giving anyone more gigs or anything if I could find a different platform I would honestly Cus they’re just straight up stealing. It’s honestly a terrible thing to take money from tips and it’s something old people like Mike or Rachel make this even worse. They’re so annoying and are ok following these corporate bastards because they’re probably part of them. Like we’re the bottom of the barrel here even if we’re essential for fiverr they don’t care about any of us. 
    what can we do about the said “problem” Mike dumbly brought up? Well for once get rid of him for being a racist freak and secondly ummm we’re not in 1970s anymore you should check yourself there’s other measures like caps and people who can investigate fraud. It’s honestly not that hard. What’s hard is getting it through your and Rachel’s head that this shit sucks to people who want to make a name for themselves yet can’t.

    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today...

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  3. 3 hours ago, zeus777 said:

    I looked at the word, I translated the word for him, and delivered the order along with a long message telling him that he should NOT get the tattoo.
    He replied telling me that he thought it was a completely different word.

    If you don't mind me asking, what was the word?

    • Like 16
  4. The title though FR- Alright, if you really wanna know the secret tips we use to get more orders, listen in. Every fortnight, you must light candles and dance in the full moon's light while chanting: (IDK, I've never done this before).

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