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Posts posted by rafiul_islam_17

  1. 2 minutes ago, breals said:


    This does NOT put you in the top 10% of Wordpress developers.  It's simply a test to show competence and a basic understanding. 

    I would be very careful with your claims, as your customers and people who know how Fiverr works will catch you out. 

    Also, based on the spelling mistakes in your Gigs and as @smartdezigns has pointed out, are you really in the top 30% for English?

    Even some of the comments in this thread are sketchy to say the least! 

    I realized my mistake thank you

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  2. Hi, i am a lavel 2 saller. last 1 year my gig rank was very high. somehow I get a 1-star review. then i complete 15+ order with 5star review. then I get a returning client badge. what i can do now for again my gig ranking? my gig impression was 1k+ now it is under the 2 hundred.

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  3. On 6/3/2022 at 2:00 AM, smashradio said:

    Some buyers will want you to work for free. As a professional, you should politely decline this type of request. Here's some tips on how to avoid endless revision loops and buyers trying to manipulate you into working for free. 

    1) Be clear about what's included in the initial price from the start. 

    2) If they ask for addition work, require payment. Try "Thanks for the update! Here's my quote for the additional changes you requested" or something similar. 

    3) If the client goes "I'm not paying for that. It should be included!" you can respond with "I understand that you feel that way, and I'd love to help you out. However, this is outside the original scope of this order. I'd be very happy to set up a custom order extra for you, but I'm unable to take on pro bono work at this time."

    5) If the client refuses to accept the offer and you're sure you have delivered what was promised, according to your gig specifications and agreement with the buyer, deliver the order again, thanking them. Remind them in a polite manner that this order included X amount of revisions. Make sure to include that you're happy to assist with their revision when/if their budget allows for it. 

    There's no reason to work for free. Ever. If you get a bad review, you can respond to it, explaining that the buyer wanted you to work for free and asked for changes that weren't agreed upon for free.

    99% of people reading that review/response at a later date, will be

    a) a person with a grasp of how to do business, i.e. they will understand and appreciate you as a freelancer, or,

    b) another buyer who wants you to work for free, i.e. someone you'd want to avoid at all costs anyway. 

    And remember: if a buyer threatens you with a negative review to scare you into working for free, you can report them. That's not allowed. 

    Finally: never offer unlimited revisions included in the price! No serious professional would ever do this. Every revision is an oppurtinity to earn more money. 

    really it's A helpful post to all. i want know also, i'm not agree to do the free work then buyer give me a negative feedback. when i contact fiver support and explain it, so what fiverr remove the feedback in my account?

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  4. 11 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    You're not supposed to have 2 gigs for the exact same service.

    eg. you can't have 2 gigs called "I will create a logo" providing the same service. You could have a gig for each style of logo you wanted to create, eg. one gig for minimal logos and one for 3D logos.

    thank you for your kind information dear.  its can be problem in future?

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