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Posts posted by david_cruz_us

  1. You can only delete the message for yourself, not for the receiver. If you contact that person again, you will see your message because he can see it.

    It is not possible to delete or modify messages in the inbox after sending it.

    That is why most of us set Enter to go into another line, not press the Enter to send so we can check again before sending.

    Thanks. Is there somewhere that I can make the complaint or suggestion to Fiverr? There really shouldn’t be a trashcan if it doesn’t actually do anything. I’m totally new to the service and the forum.

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  2. I recently signed up specifically because I was referred to a Fiverr Seller by a friend who can vouch for this person’s work. I sent a message to the Seller that mentioned my friends name, and apparently there’s some social or cultural problem with that, so I tried to delete the message by clicking the trash can icon in the top right of the screen.

    I messaged again a couple days later, omitting my friend’s name.

    BUT the old message is prepended to the new message! The old message was completely gone, but now it appears out of no where.

    Why did Fiverr pretend the previous message was deleted, but now it prepends the previous message, which was gone from the screen, to the new message? It’s bizarre behavior from the site.

    There’s no point in putting a trashcan icon if you can’t actually delete the conversation.

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