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Posts posted by marmar7

  1. I can’t imagine many customers doing that

    Enough for the review period to be shortened.

    There are entire books written on how to scam freelancers, and forum discussions advising dishonest people how to do it.

    but this should be quite easy to report from the seller to remove such blackmail reviews

    It wouldn’t be always easy, but I’d rather not give detailed instructions on a public forum on how to blackmail sellers and get away with it.

    at least to do it depending on the gig type

    I’m not sure how difficult would it be to give different review times for different services.

    Also, as per Fiverr’s Terms of Service, sellers are not even allowed to offer something that takes more than 30 days to complete, nor are they allowed to deliver an order until the work is fully completed. Please don’t ask how’s that rule supposed to work with services like SEO, because I honestly have no idea.

    It is simply compatible with workings of SEO, because the work is finished, the result isn’t, that’s the difference. And these things would require a longer period for review.

    And there’s still the other thing I miss, an option to save, follow or favourite sellers.

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  2. A while ago, buyers could leave reviews whenever they wanted, even months after the order was completed.

    Unfortunately, many of them have abused that right and blackmailed sellers into doing additional work for free, or they’d leave them a bad review.

    After a while, the time to review an order was reduced to 1 month, and then to 10 days.

    I see, that’s bad, I can’t imagine many customers doing that, I suppose there are always black sheep amongst buyers as well as sellers, but this should be quite easy to report from the seller to remove such blackmail reviews, so I can’t see how that makes any sense.

    The best option would be as @uk1000 suggested, at least to do it depending on the gig type. I find

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  3. Sellers do not get paid until 14 days after the order closes, plus the seller may have to wait three days for the order to auto-close. So, if a buyer does not close an order, the seller must wait a minimum of 17 days to get paid. I cannot imagine having to wait for longer than that,

    I wasn’t even talking about order closing, an order shall close automatically as it is, I’m talking about the review option which has nothing to do with the order closing.

    @humansocial, no, that’s actually incorrect, there are many gigs that just don’t show up results earlier than maybe 2-3months later like services to rank websites with SEO, some sellers promise continuous good service for that period of time, all of these things cant be reviewed after 10 days. And my perspectve is as a customer, also for sellers that fullfill their promises it is a good one, because they will have an advantage over sellers who don’t or neglect their customers after the review period of 10 days is done.

    • Like 5
  4. Hi,

    there are so many gigs, where the results show after months time, it’s absolutely unfair, that one is forced to give a review before having enough time to evaluate the product or serivce, which isn’t always immediately possible.

    And second, I miss an option to save or favourite sellers too not only the gigs.
    I have sellers, that I like overall and I would like an option to follow or favourite them too.

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