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Posts posted by ajsiders

  1. 20 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

    During one of the deadly Covid waves in 2021 - I fell sick but I ensured that I completed and delivered all my ongoing orders while battling the sickness. Post that, I made myself unavailable for a week's time. Also, during that phase, Fiverr sent out emails recommending sellers to use the 'unavailability feature' in case they are sick.

    But when I came back, enquiries on my gig started spiralling downwards and I endured a phase of 40-50 days without a single order. It eventually picked up and came back on track but loss of business for a couple of months due to usage of 'unavailability feature' was quite evident.🥲     

    I had a similar issue. I was sick for like 4-5 straight weeks. I mean deathly sick, and in and out of the hospital, +102 fever, the whole nine yards. I struggled to deliver my orders, but I communicated with my buyers, and most of them were okay. I did have to cancel a few, and my metrics dropped one point too low in one category, and I was demoted. It took me like 6 months to get the TRS back even though my numbers rebounded pretty quickly. That whole  time I was hesitant to hit the out of office button because I knew it would trash my metrics - but in hindsight the demotion hurt worse. I hope they really did fix it where we can use the out of office button as it was likely intended. I've rarely used it, and every time I have it took way too long to get my impressions back on track. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, smallsparrow24 said:

    Hi, I am a level 2 designer. One of my gig was ranked on first page. # weeks ago I got A 2 star review and also there was an internet issue, due to which fiverr put unavailable my profile. As soon internet issue was resolved I de activated my profile and did almost 10 orders with 5 star rating. Now suddenly my clicks and impressions gone very low. When I investigated, I found my profile was unavailable again, that I did not set. So I made my profile available immediately. Now its been three days, still none of my gig appearing in any search result, not even on last page. What should I do???

    If the profile is active, then you have to be showing up somewhere in search; although it may be so many pages down that you can't find yourself. I understand how frustrating that is and wish you the best. I will just add, and I don't understand the exact nuts and bolts of how it works, but the metrics and reviews (public and private) affect your search rankings. Keep doing what you can to do good work, so those can tick upward. But also, take this opportunity to improve your profile, so that you can convert what clicks you do get better. 

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  3. I not only agree with these changes, I would add they’re similar to what I’ve been doing already. Most of my projects are very long (full-size fiction and non-fiction books), and there are numerous benefits to splitting up these large projects into smaller installments. The problem with milestones was that you could not get paid as you go, so it defeated at least part of the purpose for having them. So I started dividing my large projects into smaller individual gigs, which is essentially what this new change does. There are numerous reasons why this is the way to go. Not only can we get paid as we go as sellers, but the process is more collaborative. While you move into subsequent gigs (or in this case milestones) the buyer can be requesting changes to the earlier one, keeping the project moving along quickly. It also ensures what’s being done aligns with the buyer’s vision, as well. So, I completely agree with this new change. A long time ago I said there’s literally no sense using milestones–because funds can’t be dispersed (from completed milestones) until the whole project is complete. That means I can’t use something like that. It just doesn’t work on longer projects that sometimes take months to complete. I used milestones one time before I knew any better and learned my lesson; however, with these new changes I am sure to use them again. I can’t describe how happy this makes me to see. Bravo Fiverr on making these much-needed changes.

    On 3/17/2021 at 1:52 PM, rangjaluowary said:

    Fiverr should introduce hourly basis payment

    That’s an interesting idea that would work for some niches. Editors, voice over, etc. all do hourly rates (or some of them). That wouldn’t work for me as a ghostwriter, but I could see it working for certain other sellers. Absolutely.

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