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Posts posted by gaugolon

  1. Hi there,

    does anyone of you had any experience of using images of the products you use in a promo video on fiverr?

    I recently started making a video and thought of including some pictures of the DAW and VST libraries I use to making music. Am imagining some companies would like their products being endorsed that way. Had already written mails to some companies for getting licensed access to their product images, but would like to hear another opinion or maybe about some actual experience about that.

    Thanks for reading and, in advance, for answering.

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  2. ... I am a semi professional composer, hobbyist 3D designer and overall IT tinkerer from germany. I lived near Berlin for the majority of my life and recently moved to near Hamburg while turning over my life.

    At fiverr, I started selling my work just a few years ago as a way to get my work "out there". Had an overall nice experience so far and hope to create new connection to other creative people.

    I love collaborations and any art that evokes emotions.

    All the skills I have are completely self taught since my childhood and I strive to learn more and improving my skills. For me, being an autodidact serves as a bypass to some academic biases although it comes with its disadvantages.

    That said, I wish for you all to have a nice day. 💜

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