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Posts posted by goodtoyou

  1. 22 hours ago, mandyzines said:

    They were truly trying to be helpful, and a "thank you" might've been an empathetic way to respond.

    The majority of reviews on your account are 1-star and it looks like you haven't been around for a few years. Maybe you were sent an email that you missed. Only customer support's really going to know what the problem might be. 

    Why would I thank them for nothing? They were not helpful at all. I don't see how reviews and being around has to do with posting a gig. Thanks a lot.

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  2. Why would I say thank you when there is nothing? They did not help at all. Same goes for you. You were of no help either. I don't know why my stars and not being around has to do with posting a gig. Thanks a lot.

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  3. How do I create a new gig? I can't create a new gig. I clic on it,  it doesn't do anything. It acts like it is going to a new page, but doesn't.

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